Fall Seminary For A Day a Full House

Nearly 30 prospective students filed into the library to listen to the faculty panel discuss institutional distinctives, theological leanings, and pedagogical preferences at Westminster Seminary California. The faculty panel was one of several highlights of the Fall 2023 Seminary For A Day (SFAD), which included a lunch with faculty and staff, a devotional given by President Joel Kim, a student panel, and several opportunities to sit in on various classes.

The event also coincided with Dr. David VanDrunen’s Reformation Day lecture.

Becca Arjona, Interim Director of Admissions & Alumni Relations, said, “This past Seminary for a Day event had one of the highest attendance records to date, and we were encouraged to see so many new faces.”

SFAD is a much-anticipated part of the semester, a chance to welcome prospective students to campus and show them what a day in the life of a seminarian is like. Because WSCal is committed to face-to-face education, opportunities like SFAD and personal visits provide an important taste of campus life and the academic rigor, faculty relationships, and community care included in a WSCal education.

One prospective student expressed their gratitude following the event: “Thank you again for showing us around your incredible school. We all very much enjoyed it and many of us absolutely cannot wait to attend, Lord willing.”

If you are interested in seminary, or know someone who is, considering visiting campus yourself!

Our next SFAD is January 19, 2024!