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The Church as Confident

February 3, 2021

As Christians we may be confident that God is indeed for us in Christ even when our circumstances tempt us to doubt God’s favor toward us and presence with us.


The Church as Persecuted

February 3, 2021

This message explores how Christ’s church bears witness in the midst of persecution, proclaiming the enduring reign of God and the power of His Word. 


The Church as Body

February 3, 2021

This message unfolds how this marvelous reality influences how we worship and serve Christ as creator, ruler, and redeemer.


The Church as Neighbor

February 3, 2021

This message explores how the church relates to unbelieving neighbors alongside whom it exists.


The Church as Pilgrims

February 3, 2021

This message compares and contrasts being a pilgrim with being a master, on one hand, and a tourist, on the other. 


The Church as Exiles

February 3, 2021

Our uncomfortable calling as exiles—to be neither isolated from nor absorbed into our environment—means following the footsteps of the Suffering Servant.


Meet Bradley J. Bitner

September 5, 2020

Get to know WSC's new Associate Professor of New Testament, Dr. Bradley J. Bitner, in this latest installment of Meet the Faculty


2020 Graduation Speech Slideshow

July 7, 2020

2020 graduate speeches and photo slideshow


Class of 2020: Brian White

June 16, 2020

2020 Commencement speech by graduate Brian White.
