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Christ Our Wisdom

January 21, 2015

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey explains that for all the importance of thinking through wisely the struggles of our lives, we are also to look up and see God.


Wisdom and the Christian Life

January 21, 2015

Dr. David VanDrunen explains how to understand God's law as a holistic moral order and as a comprehensive call to obey God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. 


Wisdom and Theology

January 21, 2015

Dr. Michael Horton explains that we are all theologians and that theology is the highest wisdom.


The Wisdom of God or of the World?

January 21, 2015

Dr. Dennis Johnson shows that there is often overlap in the wisdom of non-Christians and the wisdom revealed in Scripture, but God's wisdom prevails over all. 


Why Do We Need Wisdom?

January 21, 2015

Dr. Joshua Van Ee helps us to categorize what wisdom is, and shows how the book of Proverbs induces us to follow after wisdom.


Class of 2014: A Message from Allen Bledsoe

November 1, 2014

Class of 2014: A Message from Allen Bledsoe


Class of 2014: A Message from Chris Hartshorn

November 1, 2014

Class of 2014: A Message from Chris Hartshorn


Class of 2014: A Message from Justin McGeary

October 31, 2014

A message from M.Div. candidate Justin McGeary, at the 2014 Graduation Reception.
