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The Holy Spirit in our Confessions

January 20, 2016

Not only is the Spirit present in our confessions, but we have overlooked a number of insights regarding the person and work of the Spirit as it appears in the confessions.


Montanus, Topeka, and Sister

January 20, 2016

Montanus to Joachim of Fiore to Aimme Semple McPherson, Christians have been challenged to expect more from the Spirit. What does church history teach about such expectations and how should we react to them today?


What Is The Church?

January 13, 2016

“You can't really have a relationship with Christ apart from having a relationship with the church.”


Who Is the Holy Spirit?

January 6, 2016

The WSC faculty briefly describe who the Holy Spirit is in preparation for the 2016 Annual Conference.


2016 Annual Conference Preview: Montanus, Topeka, and Sister

January 4, 2016

“I will be looking particularly at those moments in the church when the Holy Spirit was viewed as doing extraordinary work.”


2016 Annual Conference Preview: Sanctification

December 16, 2015

“The Holy Spirit works throughout scripture not only in ordinary ways, but through ordinary means both in providence and in saving grace.”


2016 Annual Conference Preview: The Holy Spirit and Preaching

December 2, 2015

“The Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for understanding, for applying, and especially for the transforming of people into more Christ-likeness.”


A Student’s Perspective: Philip Stewart

November 25, 2015

“While I believe being a Family Physician is the best job in the world, it exposes you up close to the reality of the brokenness of human life.”


What Does it Mean to Preach the Whole Counsel of God?

November 18, 2015

Dr. Julius J. Kim explains that preaching the whole counsel of God means to preach the Gospel that is found throughout all the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. 
