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Who are the Reformers: Heinrich Bullinger

August 30, 2016

Heinrich Bullinger is often called the Father of Covenant Theology. In this edition of Who are the Reformers, Dr. Godfrey teaches us about Bullinger and his impact on Covenant Theology and the Lord's Supper.


Who Are the Reformers: Zacharias Ursinus

August 22, 2016

Dr. R. Scott Clark tells us about the primary author of the Heidelberg Catechism in this week's edition of “Who are the Reformers?”


Who Are the Reformers: Theodore Beza

August 4, 2016

Dr. Godfrey teaches us about impressive French theologian and scholar, Theodore Beza.


Who are the Reformers: Philipp Melanchthon

July 20, 2016

Dr. R. Scott Clark teaches us more about Philipp Melanchthon, one of the most unjustly neglected figures of the Reformation, in this week's installment.


Who Are the Reformers: Huldrych Zwingli

July 11, 2016

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey teaches us about Huldrych Zwingli in today's newest installment of “Who are the Reformers?”


Who are the Reformers: John Calvin

June 22, 2016

Dr. R. Scott Clark gives a brief history of French Reformer, John Calvin.


Class of 2016: John Rogers

June 11, 2016

A message from M.A. candidate John Rogers, at the 2016 graduation reception.


Class of 2016: Ayrian Moore

June 10, 2016

A message from M.A. candidate Ayrian Moore, at the 2016 graduation reception.


Class of 2016: Mihai Corcea

June 10, 2016

A message from M.Div. candidate Mihai Corcea, at the 2016 graduation reception.
