Westminster Seminary California announces a new faculty opening in Practical Theology. This is a full-time, tenure-track position that begins July 1, 2021. Responsibilities focus on teaching MDiv courses in Practical Theology such as redemptive-historical preaching, counseling, pastoral care, Christian education, and evangelism / missions. Qualifications include: (1) commitment to the seminary’s doctrinal standards (the Westminster Standards and the Three Forms of Unity) and to the Presbyterian form of church government; (2) a doctoral degree in a theological discipline or related field (highly desired); (3) ordination as a minister in a Presbyterian or Reformed church; (4) pastoral experience, and (5) evidence of promise as a teacher and scholar. Salary will depend on rank and level within rank, to be determined on the basis of education and experience. WSC welcomes applicants from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. For further information, contact Ryan Glomsrud, Academic Dean, at [email protected]. For full consideration, applications should be received by August 7, 2020.
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