Statement of Educational Effectiveness

In compliance with DOE and ATS requirements, WSC is pleased to provide information on certain areas of educational effectiveness. The data provided below covers eight areas (Graduates Satisfaction with General Program, Program, Ministry Skills, GPA Trends, Graduation Percentage Rates within 4 years, Retention Rates by Degree, Retention Rates for All Programs, and Placement Rates) and are based on the ATS Graduate Survey Questionnaire and WSC’s institutional internal tracking and is updated annually. Of course there are other metrics for Westminster’s educational effectiveness, some of which cannot be captured by the data sought by the DOE and ATS. Consistent with our founding principles, Westminster Seminary ultimately judges itself with regard to whether it provides a Reformed, rigorous study of God’s Word for the sake of Christ and his church. The metrics set forth below are some of the ways we assess our performance in pursuit of that goal.

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