Richard Bishop

Registrar & Director of Institutional Research

[email protected]

Richard Bishop

Registrar & Director of Institutional Research

[email protected]

As Registrar at WSC, I oversee course schedules, course registration, student academic records, production of the Academic Catalogue, and graduation. I am always happy to help students figure out their course registration and path to a degree. As Director of Institutional Research, I oversee the collection and analysis of data related to student success. The seminary uses this data for internal reports, reports to governmental and accreditation agencies, and to support seminary decision-makers (students, faculty, staff, trustees), all with the goal of improving the seminary’s educational effectiveness. I am also the seminary’s School Certifying Official for the Veterans Administration, and I teach a class at WSC, HT501 Introduction to Historical Theology.

Prior to working at the seminary, I earned a BA in Biblical and Theological Studies from Wheaton College, an MA in Historical Theology from WSC, and a PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Virginia, with a dissertation on the Christology of Ambrose of Milan. After UVa, my wife and I spent four years in Belgium, at the Catholic University of Leuven, where I held a postdoctoral fellowship in Greek patristics. My academic interests include most things patristic, as well as textual criticism, Christology, ancient preaching, the history of emotions, and translation.

I grew up in Montana and met my wife, Diane, during student days at WSC. We live in Vista, CA, and are
members of Escondido United Reformed Church.

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