As we kick off our celebration of 40 years of the Lord’s guidance and blessings over Westminster Seminary California, the COVID-19 global pandemic has served as a sobering reminder that while we devote our best efforts to serving God, ultimately he is in control. And what a comfort it is that the Lord of hosts is with us. Like most schools in the United States, WSC has moved to online education for the remainder of the semester in order to protect the health of our community and neighbors. This is a disappointment for us since we remain committed to face-to-face, residential seminary education. But I am thankful for the support and patience of our faculty and students, as well as the hard work of our staff, in ensuring that WSC’s tradition of excellent instruction continues in this temporary arrangement. Our weekly faculty-student prayer groups and chapels have continued as crucial components of our students’ spiritual formation. And yet our community longs to resume our regular seminary life on campus.
During this pandemic we have often found ourselves praying the prayer of Jehoshaphat: “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chron. 20:12). As we turn our eyes to the Lord, we trust that he will continue to protect, guide, and provide for his people. Please know that the seminary community is praying for you – our churches, friends, and alumni – during this time. Thank you for your prayers and support for the seminary.
In this issue, Dr. S.M. Baugh explains how WSC’s curriculum integrates intensive study of the biblical languages in order to prepare, as Dr. Machen once put it, “specialists in the Bible” (p. 4). In addition, Dr. Michael S. Horton discusses the biblical teaching on Christians and fear during times like our current pandemic (p. 8). Also in this issue, four WSC alumni representing each decade of the seminary’s existence reflect on their time at Westminster and how their seminary experience prepared them for ministry. Finally, Trustee Roger Swets describes his experience serving on the WSC Board (p. 30).
As always, we covet your prayers and faithful support as WSC seeks to work for Christ, his gospel, and his church.
Cordially in Christ,
Joel E. Kim
WSC President
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