September 5, 2007
The importance of the Word of God is always to challenge our way of thinking so that our minds might be transformed.
June 2, 2007
Trusting in the Lord is at the heart of the life and experience of the Christian.
April 1, 2007
It is ironic that many Reformed people today are either not acquainted with or do not follow Calvin's view of worship.
January 14, 2007
A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the topic of the church being missional and Reformed.
The misuse of the law by Christians is a perennial problem down through the ages of church history.
September 1, 2006
Because the Word of God is the life of the church, there is a need for competent and faithful ministers of that Word.
August 1, 2006
Mrs. Hilda Ozinga, a widow, shares with W. Robert Godfrey about grieving from her own experience and others'.
March 31, 2006
Should Christians adopt a notion of influence from politics and business–compromise, cooperation, and intention ambiguity?
March 1, 2006
The Apostle Paul's warning to the Ephesian church of their need to be vigilant is a warning that is necessary for every church in every age.
January 30, 2006
July 1, 2005
The silence of Protestants to false claims about the papacy said much about the state of Protestantism today.
January 30, 2005
January 30, 2004
April 1, 2002
There are substantive differences between evangelical and Reformed churches on worship.
February 9, 2001
In 1551 – four hundred fifty years ago – a dramatic confrontation occurred in Geneva between John Calvin and Jerome Bolsec over the doctrine of predestination. Today that controversy is largely forgotten, but it was a significant episode that provides a remarkable window on the character and meaning of the Reformation.
January 29, 2001
An examination of the controversial place the opening chapter of Genesis has played in ecclesiastical debates both inside and outside Reformed denominations.
January 13, 2001
There are parallels between the new hymnody of the present day and the state of church music in the late seventeenth century.
March 13, 2000
Should we determine what we sing in church simply on the basis of what is familiar to us, that is, what we like? Or are there biblical principles that must guide what we sing?
December 1, 1999
In the face of suffering and the apparent delay of God's coming to help, Scripture directs us to look to the future and the fulfillment of God's saving work, when Jesus will make all things new.
November 1, 1999
The assurance that comes to us from the Gospel is that no matter how pervasive or powerful the forces or sin, God is victorious in winning salvation for His people.