April 17, 1995
A discussion of the Heidelberg Catechism in its historical context.
March 1, 1995
An examination of John Calvin's statement of the doctrines of and necessity for the Reformation.
October 9, 1994
A biblical expression of Christian ecumenism in a pluralistic age.
October 6, 1993
The determination and courage of the Scots in seeking to follow the Bible should be an encouragement to all of us who believe that the church must live according to the Bible alone.
September 1, 1993
The best way to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Westminster Assembly is to read and ponder its work that carry with them rich insight into the Word of God.
June 18, 1993
The Reformed community faces especially intense issues and decisions in our time.
April 30, 1993
An examination of the Reformed tradition's upholding of the general office of believer.
March 4, 1993
A discussion on the foundation, the disciplines and the pattern of Reformed life.
December 14, 1992
The center of Reformed piety is and always has been the Word of God.
July 20, 1992
An interview with W. Robert Godfrey concerning the state of the Christian Reformed Church in the early 1990's.
June 22, 1992
Areas of concern regarding “The Confessional Conference” of 1993 are expressed.
April 18, 1992
A defense of Presbyterian polity.
January 1, 1992
Too often we have trouble placing such a high evaluation on preaching because it does not seem to correspond to our experience. Many Christians today believe that they came to faith through the witness of family or friends or through a small group Bible study. They may have heard relatively poor preaching and find it hard to attribute such importance to preaching in general or in their own spiritual development.
November 24, 1991
The offering clearly has a vital function in the financial life of the congregation, but how does it function spiritually in the worship of the church?
November 14, 1991
As Christians, we must keep biblical words and categories of thought as foundational to our own.
September 24, 1991
How Christians are to thoughtfully engage with pop culture.
September 3, 1991
The importance of the blessings pronounced in our worship is a significant teaching of Scripture that ministers need to insure that the people of God understand its meaning and value.
March 16, 1991
The ancient worship of the church, which focused on the Psalms and sung without musical accompaniment, was simple, spiritual, and reverent.
December 1, 1990
The action of Synod 1990 in the Christian Reformed Church was tyrannical, judged purely from the perspective of Church Order Article 31. In 1990 as in 1944, Article 31 is at the center of our church struggles.
October 17, 1990
A brief study of the life and work of the German reformer Philip Melanchton.