Systematic Theology Archive

The Definition of Sanctification

September 9, 2013

Office Hours kicks off with a new season entitled, “New Life in the Shadow of Death” by talking with Dr. David M. VanDrunen about the God who not only justifies, but also sanctifies.


John 9:1-3

February 26, 2013

An analysis of the Christian answer to the problem of evil in contrast to the answer provided by eastern philosophy.


The Ordo Salutis and the Democracy of the Dead

November 14, 2012

A defense of the Reformed tradition's exegesis of Romans 8:29-30 and the doctrine of the ordo salutis.


Beyond Calvin: J.V. Fesko

September 18, 2012

Office Hours talks with Dr. J. V. Fesko who has masterfully written about the hot topic of “union with Christ” and has carefully placed Calvin in context.


Galatians 1:1-5

September 15, 2011

Galatians is written to all who know and believe the Gospel of God’s grace, yet are more confident in what they have done for God instead of what God has done for them.


A Fruitful Year

September 13, 2011

We need to hear Paul’s prayer for the Colossian church so that we might know how to pray amidst the spiritual warfare that is ever-present in the life of the Christian.



Do You Believe This?

June 1, 2011

Just how good is the good news of the gospel that you believe?
