S. M. Baugh Archive

1 Corinthians 15:50-57

March 5, 2009

Through Christ's death and resurrection, the universal enemies of sin and death have been conquered apart from the Law.


Calvin as Bible Interpreter

January 23, 2009

What leads us to honor Calvin as a biblical commentator half a millenium after his birth is the consistently superior quality of his comments.


Is Bibliolatry Possible?

August 1, 2008

Is it bibliolatry to hold to a high view of Scripture or to attribute infallibility or other divine attributes to God's Word?


Discipline in the Church: Revelation 2-3

March 1, 2008

In light of their OT prophetic background, the letters to the churches in Revelation are modeled as covenant lawsuits.


Psalm 8; Hebrews 2

November 8, 2007

A study of how the author to the Hebrews understood and utilized the Hebrew Scriptures in his proclamation of New Covenant realities.


The All-Sufficiency of Christ

June 1, 2007

Paul's profound declaration of just how radically extensive and exclusive is Christ's mediation, as a free gift.


Thy Kingdom Come

February 13, 2007

Dr. S. M. Baugh argues that in order to understand the Kingdom of God you must begin with the consummation.


How Paul is Dealing with the Law

July 15, 2005

An analysis of the complex ways that the Apostle Paul speaks of “The Law” in the New Testament.


Justification Under Fire

January 30, 2004

An examination of things happening today which are an attack upon the Gospel and those issues related to justification by faith alone.
