S. M. Baugh

Sarah by Faith

October 4, 2018

Sarah displayed persevering faith in the God who made promises to her through her actions.


How do we deal with apparent inconsistencies in the Bible?

June 27, 2018

How do we deal with apparent inconsistencies in the Bible? Dr. Baugh addresses this question in this installment of Westminster Answers!


Christmas in March

March 15, 2018

 In Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew narrates the angelic announcement and command to Joseph regarding the divine birth and redemptive names of Jesus.


What is the Kingdom of God?

December 13, 2017


Godly Living

September 8, 2016

Dr. Baugh discusses the skill of godly living from the Psalms and Proverbs.


What is the Doctrine of Adoption?

April 14, 2015

Dr. Baugh bridges the cultural gap between the us and the first century and sheds light on this important doctrine.


Question and Answer Session

January 23, 2014

The faculty panel answers questions from the audience at the WSC Annual Conference 2014, “Transforming Grace: Our Need for Holiness.”


Sanctification Explained

January 23, 2014

Dr. S.M. Baugh explains that the fountain of all our sanctification is founded in Christ.


The Whole Armor of God: Questions & Answers with Faculty Panel

January 19, 2013

From The Whole Armor of God: The Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism for Today conference.


The Helmet of Salvation: Confession and Comfort (Eph. 6:17)

January 19, 2013

From The Whole Armor of God: The Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism for Today conference.


Following the New Testament Model

January 22, 2012

S. M. Baugh's session at “The Unfolding Mystery: Reading and Applying the Bible” conference.


The Kingdom in the New Testament

January 15, 2010

In order to understand the Kingdom of God you must begin with the consummation.


Psalm 8; Hebrews 2

November 8, 2007

A study of how the author to the Hebrews understood and utilized the Hebrew Scriptures in his proclamation of New Covenant realities.


Mark 5:1-20

April 26, 2007

An analysis of Mark’s account of Jesus and the Gadarene demoniac.
