R. Scott Clark

Reformation 500 – Part 2

October 31, 2016

In this episode of Office Hours Dr. R. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, gives an overview of the events and theological thought that led to what we now understand as the Reformed Tradition. 


Reformation 500 – Part 1

October 17, 2016

In this episode of Office Hours Dr. R. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, gives an overview of some of the events and theological thought of the early and medieval church that lead to the Reformation.


God’s Righteous Wisdom

October 13, 2016

In Job 38 Yahweh accepts Job's challenge to justify himself on condition that Job can prove that he has standing to bring suit against Almighty God. 



Who Are the Reformers: Guido de Bres

October 13, 2016

Dr. R. Scott Clark teaches us about Guido De Bres, the author of the Belgic Confession, in this week's “Who are the Reformers?” series.


Who Are the Reformers: Caspar Olevianus

September 14, 2016

Caspar Olevianus was not only one of the authors of the Heidelberg Catechism but also a pioneer in Covenant Theology!


Who Are the Reformers: Zacharias Ursinus

August 22, 2016

Dr. R. Scott Clark tells us about the primary author of the Heidelberg Catechism in this week's edition of “Who are the Reformers?”


Who are the Reformers: Philipp Melanchthon

July 20, 2016

Dr. R. Scott Clark teaches us more about Philipp Melanchthon, one of the most unjustly neglected figures of the Reformation, in this week's installment.


A Merciful, Public, Integral Ministry

April 19, 2016

The Apostle Paul's defense of his ministry against the accusations of the self-described “super apostles” and other critics is instructive for ministers young and old. In contrast to theirs, his ministry began with God's mercy to sinners in Christ, was conducted in the open for all to see, and unlike his critics, his preaching and life were consistent.


Ministers of the New Covenant

September 25, 2015

A minister is a servant and a servant must serve someone or something. Moses was a servant of the Old Covenant. 


The God Who Is…Is One

April 18, 2015

The God Who Is…Is One, and he comes to us in his Word.


Authentic, Strategic, and Confessional Church Planting

April 17, 2015

Our glorious Lord has given us a mission and a powerful message to which he has attached great promises, namely the promise to use the proclamation of that message to raise the dead to life and to put the living to death. 


Wisdom According to Paul – Part 1

March 23, 2015

Office Hours talks with Professor Joel E. Kim about wisdom according to Paul. This is part 1 of a 2 part discussion. 


What Is Wisdom?

October 6, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, reflecting on the question, “what is wisdom?”



September 22, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. Michael S. Horton about his new book, “Ordinary.”


Gospel-Driven Life and Union with Christ

August 1, 2014

Dr. R. Scott Clark talks about Gospel-Driven Life and Union with Christ at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.


Gospel-Driven Means of Grace

August 1, 2014

Dr. R. Scott Clark talks about the Gospel-Driven means of grace at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.


In the Begining was the Logos…

September 27, 2013

In the Beginning was the Word….


Exodus 24:1-11

March 22, 2013

Exodus 24 is a difficult passages that illustrates some of the difficulties inherent in interpreting the Mosaic Covenant.


Feet Shod in the Gospel of Peace: Why the Heidelberg Catechism? (Eph. 6:15)

January 19, 2013

From The Whole Armor of God: The Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism for Today conference.


Exodus 12:1-13; 29-32

October 4, 2012

A brief study of a provocative narrative that confronts the world with the reality and sovereign power of the LORD.
