R. Scott Clark

Psalm 2: Raging Kings, The Promise, and Warning

September 12, 2024

Dr. Clark commences the WSC Fall Faculty series on the Psalms with a devotional from Psalm 2.

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Eating Christ: What, Why and How | John 6:53-56

August 30, 2021

Because communing with God was the goal of our creation, the story of Scripture begins with instructions on what and what not to eat. Throughout the history of salvation, the Lord signified and sealed his salvation of his people with a meal. In John 6:53-56, however, our Lord made explicit the reality was heretofore covered in shadows: what must be eaten is neither fruit nor bread but Christ himself. 

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Robert Rollock: Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians

May 3, 2021

In this episode of Office Hours, Dr. R. Scott Clark gives an overview and critique of Robert Rollock's (1555-1599), “Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians,” book 5 in the Classic Reformed Theology series from Reformation Heritage books. 

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Reformation Day | Romans 3:21-28

October 27, 2020

In his 1521 translation of the Greek New Testament into German Luther used the word allein (alone) in his translation of Romans 3:28, which says, “For we reckon that a man is justified through faith apart from the works of the law.” Luther was right. He captured Paul's intent, which was to teach salvation sola fide, by faith alone.  

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Justification, The Love of God, and Boasting

September 24, 2020

In Romans 5:1-11, the Apostle Paul preached the bad news of our sin and the good news of our free, once-for-all, justification and salvation. The heart of passage is that, in Christ, God loves sinners, justifies them, saves them, and as a consequence, sanctifies them by his love and Spirit. 

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Christ, Through Faith Alone

March 14, 2019

In Genesis 15 the LORD came to Abraham to make to him three promises: to be his shield, to give him a Seed, and to be his Savior and Abraham received the substance of the covenant of grace, Christ, through faith alone and Christ’s righteousness was credited to him for righteousness.

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Unconditional Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel

January 19, 2019

One of the first points the orthodox Reformed reaffirmed years before the Great Synod of Dort is that God freely offers salvation to all in the “serious” and “promiscuous” or free and well-meant offer of the gospel.  

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The Sale of the Savior

November 1, 2018

The Lord revealed to Joseph that the Lord was going to use him in a marvelous way, that he would be a savior of sorts, but between the time he innocently went looking for his brothers in Dothan and the fulfillment of the dream there was much humiliation and danger to be endured as the Lord prepared him for that great act of deliverance.

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On Being Reformed

October 1, 2018

In this episode of Office Hours, with guest host Rev. Chris Gordon, talks to Dr. R. Scott Clark about what it means to be Reformed and the challenges to the historical understanding of the term. He does this through a discussion of a new book he has contributed to, “On Being Reformed: Debates over a Theological Identity.”

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The Gospel for the Gerasenes.

March 1, 2018

In Mark 5:1-20 the gospel of the Kingdom of God confronts and conquers the demons who had possessed the Gerasene man. There were three responses to this confrontation. The demons told the truth about who Jesus was, many in the area were repelled by Jesus, however, and responded in fear, in favor of the status quo but the former demoniac responded in faith and confessed him to all who would listen.

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What Happened to the Reformation? Part 2

October 16, 2017

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month, Dr. Clark begins a brief series looking at what happened to the Reformation in the modern period.

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What Happened to the Reformation? Part 1

October 2, 2017

As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month, Dr. Clark begins a brief series looking at what happened to the Reformation in the modern period.

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As It Was in the Days of Noah

September 21, 2017

Many Christians quite misunderstand our Lord’s teaching in Matthew 24 because they miss the parallel that our Lord drew between his future bodily return and the days of Noah. Indeed, missing the connection between Noah and Jesus has been the cornerstone of the entire “Left Behind” phenomenon and has been since the beginning of the modern “secret rapture” craze since 1972.

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The Wisdom of Worshiping According To The Word.

March 30, 2017

The wisdom literature of the Bible exists primarily in the Hebrew Scriptures but the New Testament capitalizes on the wisdom literature and in Colossians 2:23 and 3:16 the Apostle Paul applies basic themes and structure from the wisdom literature to the Christian doctrine and practice of worship.


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Meet the Faculty: R. Scott Clark

March 23, 2017

“What I love about teaching here is the passion of the students for the scriptures, for the truth, for the Gospel. That's what gets me out of bed every day.”

Take a few minutes to learn about Dr. R. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History, in our latest installment of “Meet the Faculty.”

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The Bible Restored

January 14, 2017

The church has already read the Scriptures but she has not always read them well. For much of its history the church read Scripture under the influence of powerful assumptions, which blinded her to vitally important truths.

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Reformation 500 – Part 3

November 14, 2016

In this episode of Office Hours Dr. R. Scott Clark, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, gives an overview of the events and theological thought that led to what we now understand as the Reformed Tradition., focusing on Martin Luther.

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