Pastoral Ministry Archive

Why Seminary?

October 14, 2010

For the health of the Church, Christians must insist upon rigorous training in sound, confessional seminaries.


Our Purpose: For Christ, His Gospel, and His Church

October 11, 2010

Westminster Seminary California exists for a marvelous purpose: to glorify Christ, to teach his Gospel, to serve his Church.


Disappointment and Failures in the Ministry

September 29, 2010

How to cope with the disappointments and failures in pastoral ministry in light of Acts 18.


Pastoral Ministry

September 1, 2010

Rev. Dr. Sinclair Ferguson shares a little about how he became a pastor, what effect it had on him to have come face to face with John Owen, and his thoughts on what a pastor is.


Commencement 2010

May 29, 2010

Central to the Apostle Paul's ministerial focus is encouraging other leaders in the church to above all minister to the saints.


The Pastor and His Heart

March 23, 2010

The heart of the gospel minister is to be protected because it is the heart of the gospel ministry.


Exodus 28:1; 29:1-9

September 29, 2009

The priesthood is like gospel ministry in that it was a gift God gave His people which revealed the heart and nature of God toward them.


Meet Julius J. Kim

August 31, 2009

Julius Kim discusses the state of Christianity in Korea, mission, and the value of the Reformed faith for mission.


The Evolution of Evergreen Church Planting

March 19, 2009

The trials and joys of church planting in the northwest region of the United States.


Let it Alone for This Year

March 18, 2009

God is not merely waiting for us to do our work, but he is diligently working to gather all of his lost children.


The Church Good for the World

March 17, 2009

God has established the church to enhance the world.



Why Pastors Need a Seminary Education

February 28, 2009

Theological education should come through a community which exists between professors and students in the classroom.


The Weakness of Power

March 15, 2007

If dependance upon God is the objective, than power often becomes an obstacle that leads to self-reliance.
