Pastoral Ministry Archive

Reaching a Spanish-Speaking People in North America

July 28, 2014

Office Hours talks with Rev. Chris  Sandoval, a multi-cultural church planter and Alumni Relations Associate at Westminster Seminary California, about better understanding the Hispanic community and how that affects witnessing to them in the Reformed tradition. 


The Reformation of the Pastoral Office: The Ministry of Pastoral Care

March 19, 2014

Part 2 of Dr. Manetsch's The Reformation of the Pastoral Office lecture series. This lecture focuses on the ministry of the Pastoral Care.


From Darkness Into the Light

November 4, 2013

If the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?


Finishing Strong

September 27, 2013

We are called to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ and to look to him for the strength to finish strong the race set out before us.


Media Ecology and Ministry

July 8, 2013

Office Hours talks with Rev. Dr. Gregory Edward Reynolds about media ecology and ministry.


2 Corinthians 4:1-6

September 11, 2012

An exhortation to seminarians not to lose heart in their training and why this is important for the ministry and understanding the Gospel.


The Pastor as Heroic Need-Meeter

April 26, 2012

The pastor is perpetually tempted to try and be the hero of his flock.


The Pastor as Novel-ist

April 25, 2012

The pastor has much wisdom to gain through the study of church history.


The Pastor as Entrepreneur

April 24, 2012

An examination of a biblical model of Pastoral ministry in light of current trends.


Sabbaticals For Pastors

June 6, 2011

By permitting a pastor time for focused study and learning, sabbaticals can benefit not only the pastor himself, but more importantly the congregation that he serves and the broader church.


From Mainline to Sideline

February 2, 2011

Rev. Mr. John Bales talks about his journey from the Protestant "mainline" to ministry in a confessional Reformed denomination.


Preaching Christ

January 19, 2011

Rev. Dr. Derke Bergsma talks about redemptive-historical preaching and about his book, Redemption: The Triumph of God's Great Plan.
