New Testament Archive

Feasting and Fasting

February 19, 2019

Jesus offers you a feast in His presence, so do not settle for anything less.


The Christian and Technology – Part 6

December 4, 2018

The Internet has given us access to all sorts of things, including unfettered access to evil. Only by finding contentment in Christ will be find the strength to turn away from this easily accessible evil.


Our Private Prayer Life

November 27, 2018

 We will look at the high priority that Jesus gave to prayer in his ministry to be encouraged in the ongoing provision and practice of prayer in our own life.


When You Pray: The Heart of an Authentic Life of Prayer

November 13, 2018

Jesus teaches us how to avoid the pitfalls of hypocrisy by giving us the heart of an authentic life of prayer. 


Knowing Your Own Heart: The Freedom of Self-Examination

October 23, 2018

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus calls his disciples to be the kind of people who develop an awareness of sin in their own hearts in order to be of greater service to others in the gospel. The practice of self-examination is grounded in gospel freedom and is done for the sake of neighbor love.


Journeys with Jesus

July 23, 2018

Office Hours talks with  Dr. Dennis Johnson about his new book, “Journeys With Jesus,” and how we can see Jesus in all of Scripture. 


Forgiven, Redeemed, and Justified.

May 8, 2018

We are all sinners. But Christ suffered for our sins and has redeemed us with his precious blood. 


The Silent Power of the Word

May 3, 2018

 In a world where evil seems to get the upper hand more often than not, our Lord strengthens our faith in his unfailing Word by being silent in the hour of darkness. 


I Am the True Vine

May 1, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 


Dr. Dennis Johnson Retrospective

April 30, 2018

Office Hours talks with Dr. Dennis Johnson as he reflects on his journey to Westminster Seminary California and his 35 years there.


Grace For The Journey

April 26, 2018

Eph. 1:3-14 shows us the importance and necessity of relying upon and returning to the blessedness of God's grace over and over again throughout our ministry. 


Fasting or Feasting?

April 19, 2018

In Matthew 9:14-17, Jesus teaches that fasting, although fitting under the old covenant, is not to be an ordinary practice of new covenant believers due to their joy in the fellowship of Christ.


I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life

April 17, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 


Rescue from Danger

April 12, 2018

Deliverance from sin is not the result of self-salvation. We cannot pull ourselves out of the pit. Rescue is the Action of God alone.


Great Joy and Hope

April 10, 2018

Why does Mary praise God the way she does when she visits Elizabeth in Luke 1? Mary's use of Hannah’s words in 1 Samuel gives us a glimpse of the great joy and hope Mary has in the coming Messiah.


I Am the Resurrection and the Life

April 3, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 
