New Testament Archive

Ancient Information Technology – Papyrus and Ink

June 13, 2014

God, in his providence, designed all the events of the first century Church so that various crises came up in churches when apostles couldn't get there soon enough, or in person. So they wrote letters.


Underdogs in a New Age

June 13, 2014

We live in an age where believers are already justified through our union with Christ, but not yet fully restored as promised in the New Covenant. In Ephesians 2:1-10, Paul points out that we are given a taste of the New Age yet to come.


Failing to be Faithful to Scripture

April 25, 2014

Should we demur from God-given revelation when Scripture identifies Jesus as the fulfillment of Israel? Jesus is the true Israel of God.


Imagine a World Where Love Reigns

April 9, 2014

Is not the kingdom of God a place where love reigns? Then, as Christians how are we to live so that the gospel of Jesus Christ reaches others?


Jesus Receives Broken People

March 31, 2014

We are loved even when Jesus sees us at our worst.


Truth: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

February 28, 2014

God has brought together his truth in Father , Son, and Holy Spirit; let not our conception of him separate these.


“My Kingdom Is Not Of This World”

February 19, 2014

The work of Christ's kingdom, manifest now in the church, is not to be carried out with the kind of weapons that do justice in this world. The Christian is called to hold fast to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the truth that he revealed, and make his word known – doing that which no earthly weapon ever can.


Placing People Before Their Savior

February 19, 2014

Mark challenges many of the purveying views as to who Jesus was by showing that someone greater than all of the Old Testament institutions was present.


To Know Jesus and Make Him Known

February 17, 2014

Jesus is the One that the Scriptures are about, He's the One in whow we need to believe, and he's the One to whom we need to call people.


Jesus – Lord of the Belly, Bread, and Banquet

November 15, 2013

Jesus has come to take our emptiness and fill it up with the bread of life.


Mark: the Spiritual “Eye” Doctor

November 15, 2013

Mark tries to get us from partial to full sight in order to see Jesus more clearly.


The Maker, The Woman, and the Miracle

November 8, 2013

The first sign of Jesus, pointing us to the Messiah


Enlightened and Enlivened

November 4, 2013

Enlightened and Enlivened by our Advocate with the Father


Testimony and the Call to Believe

November 4, 2013

The testimony concerning Jesus Christ and his work within us


From Darkness Into the Light

November 4, 2013

If the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?
