Mosaic Covenant Archive

Exodus 24:1-11

March 22, 2013

Exodus 24 is a difficult passages that illustrates some of the difficulties inherent in interpreting the Mosaic Covenant.


Malachi 4

February 24, 2011

The people of Israel are confronted with their covenantal failure and yet a future hope is held out for them to be fulfilled in Israel's Messiah.


The Law is Not of Faith

November 15, 2009

Bryan Estelle, David VanDrunen, and J. V. Fesko discuss the nature of the Mosaic Covenant and the question of republication of the covenant of works.


Two Ways of Denying God’s Law and One Way of Affirming It

January 1, 2008

Because we are recipients of the Gospel, we can no longer offer a witness from a position of moral superiority.


How Paul is Dealing with the Law

July 15, 2005

An analysis of the complex ways that the Apostle Paul speaks of “The Law” in the New Testament.
