Michael S. Horton Archive

The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and Inerrancy

May 23, 2016

Office Hours talks to Dr. Michael Horton about the Holy Spirit's role in the inspiration and inerrancy of Holy Scripture.


Core Christianity

May 2, 2016

Office Hours talks to Dr. Michael Horton about his new book and Biblical teaching campaign titled Core Christianity. 


Letter & Spirit

March 3, 2016

Dr. Michael Horton exposits 2 Cor. 3, in particular to those seeking to go into pastoral ministry. He shows from this text that pastors are a “letter of recommendation” from Jesus as ministers of the New Covenant. 



January 20, 2016

It is through the ordinary means of grace instituted by Christ that the Spirit brings about his extraordinary “new creation” in this present age.


What Is The Church?

January 13, 2016

“You can't really have a relationship with Christ apart from having a relationship with the church.”


2016 Annual Conference Preview: Sanctification

December 16, 2015

“The Holy Spirit works throughout scripture not only in ordinary ways, but through ordinary means both in providence and in saving grace.”


Wisdom and Theology

January 21, 2015

Dr. Michael Horton explains that we are all theologians and that theology is the highest wisdom.


Where Is Wisdom Found?

November 3, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. Michael S. Horton about from where, and how do we obtain wisdom.



September 22, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. Michael S. Horton about his new book, “Ordinary.”


The Discomfort of the Gospel-Driven Life

August 1, 2014

Dr. Michael Horton talks about the discomfort of the Gospel-Driven Life at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.


The Gospel Driven Life

August 1, 2014

Dr. Michael Horton talks about the Gospel-Driven Life at the  Gospel-Driven Life Conference, a conference co-sponsored by WSC in 2008.”


Calvin on the Christian Life: Interview with Dr. Michael Horton

March 31, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. Michael S. Horton about his new book, Calvin on the Christian Life: Glorifying God and Enjoying Him Forever.


The Means of Grace and Sanctification: Part II

March 3, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. Michael S. Horton about the means of grace and sanctification. This is part two.


The Means of Grace and Sanctification: Part I

February 24, 2014

Office Hours talks with Dr. Michael S. Horton about the means of grace and sanctification. This is part one.


Sanctification Undermined

January 23, 2014

Dr. Michael Horton points out two things that have always undermined sanctification – antinomianism and legalism. 
