Judgment Archive

Galatians 1:6-9

September 19, 2011

The Apostle Paul sternly warns the church about the dangers of apostasy as well as the divine condemnation that awaits those who would teach and lead others away from the faith.


Zechariah 14

March 3, 2011

Zecheriah presents a vision of God's judgment and salvation that finds its ultimate fulfillment in both Christ's first and second advents.


Genesis 3:21-24

May 12, 2009

The acts of God in clothing Adam and Eve and their subsequent extirpation from the garden are chiefly merciful acts.


Genesis 3:14-15

March 31, 2009

The Lord responds to Adam and Eve's sin in justice and mercy, anticipating the cosmic battle between Messiah and Satan.


What Ever Happened to Sin?

October 1, 2007

Joel Osteen's “good news” turns out to be the worst possible news-God's blessing on my life depends on my own good works.


God the Re-Creator

December 1, 1999

In the face of suffering and the apparent delay of God's coming to help, Scripture directs us to look to the future and the fulfillment of God's saving work, when Jesus will make all things new.
