February 22, 2025
September 19, 2024
Psalm 8 contains the reflections of the psalmist upon the night sky. At the beginning and end, he speaks about the glory of God.
The Psalm is not a reflection focused on the pre-fall position of humanity in God’s creation but on God’s continued use of mankind in redemptive history.
February 18, 2021
Dr. Joshua Van Ee continues the Spring 2021 Morning Devotions Series titled, “Meals with the Lord.”
September 12, 2019
Isaiah 40 not only contains God's call to comfort his people but also addresses the concerns of the people and the prophet in light of God's judgment.
February 21, 2019
The account of Jacob's sacrifice in Genesis 46:1-7 reveals the extent of God's gracious transformation of Jacob as he trusts God to fulfill the promises even as he leaves the promised land of Canaan.
July 26, 2018
On this week's episode of Westminster Answers, Dr. Joshua Van Ee answers the question, “Why Study the Old Testament?”
February 22, 2018
In Matthew 3:1-17, John the Baptist comes as the last of the Old Covenant prophets, preparing for the coming judgment day by calling for repentance demonstrated through baptism. Jesus comes to be baptized as part of his submission to and fulfillment of the Law and the prophets.
January 13, 2018
Faculty panel question and answer session.
It is essential to the Christian faith that we affirm the historical nature of God’s stories in the Bible. They are testimonies and witnesses to real people and events. God has acted in history! Nevertheless, the Bible’s stories do not read like a newspaper account or a modern history book. The way the authors of Scripture wrote history is different in many ways from what we expect. Thus we need to carefully examine how the Bible writes history lest we misinterpret it as we bring our assumptions to the text.
November 2, 2017
Jesus in his healing of the leper exposes Jewish distortions of the law as he also fulfills the law. But more importantly, he reveals who he is and his mission to save as does what the law was powerless to do.
April 6, 2017
God in the book of Proverbs instructs us on how to interact with fools, those who have embraced ways of living that lead to misery and hardship. But God also calls us to examine ourselves, to evaluate the ways we act, and to turn to him as our only hope in this world.
February 23, 2017
Through this experiential saying on hope and the heart, we gain understanding into our nature as humans, helping us to live rightly as God's redeemed people in this world.
September 29, 2016
The father seeks to fortify his son against the power of seduction by vividly portraying the consequences of sexual sins, especially adultery, and the joys of proper sexuality with one's wife.
March 1, 2016
Paul exhorts the Corinthian believers to live according to their New Covenant status by portraying the world in absolute contrasts.
November 10, 2015
Paul defends his ministry by contrasting it with Moses' ministry.
January 21, 2015
Q & A session of the 2015 faculty Conference
Dr. Joshua Van Ee helps us to categorize what wisdom is, and shows how the book of Proverbs induces us to follow after wisdom.
December 15, 2014
Office Hours talks with Dr. Joshua J. Van Ee about The Wisdom of Abraham
September 19, 2014
In Deuteronomy 20 we see the gospel preached by Moses to Israel as a picture of the blessed life we have in Jesus Christ.