Isaiah Archive

Give Thanks | Isaiah 12:1-6

December 3, 2020

We are reminded by the Word always to give thanks.  No matter the circumstance, the Lord's grace and presence give us sufficient reasons for thanks.  


Our God vs. the Idols

October 10, 2019

Fear drives us to find security in the idols we make instead of the God who has made us, chosen us and redeemed us.  Isaiah 44 justifies trust in the God of Israel and displays the foolishness of trusting idols. 


Fear Not

October 3, 2019

God encourages his exiled people by assuring them of his presence through trials, reminding them of their value to him, and promising to re-gather them.


The Servant of the Lord Will Bring Forth Justice

September 26, 2019

Like Cyrus, which this text anticipates, the “Servant of the Lord” (in which he is announced in this passage) will bring forth Justice when he comes.  But what kind of justice is anticipated?


Beautiful Ministry

November 16, 2017

Would you ever use the word  “beautiful” to describe a church, a ministry or a sermon? Isaiah makes clear that when a ministry is full of the gospel of Jesus Christ it really is something very beautiful. 


Let us Keep the Feast

September 12, 2017

There is a danger in American society of being burned out by the “everything is awesome” mentality where each moment needs to be extreme, meaningful, worthwhile and special. 


Fellow Exiles

March 12, 2015

Although we were exiled for our faithlessness, the faithful Word which the Father spoke in Christ, through the Spirit, gives us faith.


Isaiah 52:13-53:3

May 10, 2012

A reflection on ministry expectations in light of the prophet Isaiah's call and commission.


Commencement 2011

May 31, 2011

As servants of the Lord, like Jesus, you are prepared, needed, and dedicated for the task of gospel ministry.


Isaiah 52:12-15

November 24, 2010

An examination of the dual themes of sufferings and triumph in the Servant Songs of Isaiah and how the one preceeds the other.


Isaiah 50:4-9

September 17, 2010

The Old Testament prophetic office examined in light of teaching elders.


The Exodus Motif in Isaiah

January 1, 2008

An explanation of how the Exodus theme is taken up and transformed in the prophet Isaiah.


The Profitable Servant

August 1, 1999

The astounding promise of Isaiah is that those who trust the Servant of the Lord and are saved by His work will share in the glory that will be His. 


The Christian’s Only Comfort

June 1, 1999

The coming of Jesus is the coming of comfort for God's people.
