Historical Theology Archive

Was Calvin a Calvinist?

February 29, 2012

The identification of Calvinism with the unique theology of John Calvin is nothing short of a fallacy.


A Study of Worship

August 19, 2011

We must remember that theology and worship are inseparably linked, therefore where there is no Reformed worship there can be no Reformed theology. 


Herman Bavinck

April 7, 2011

Herman Bavinck's influence on Dr. John Bolt's understanding of himself, theological method, the content of good theology, and about the church.


The Covenant of Marriage

February 10, 2011

A biblical and historical examination of the concept of marriage as covenant.


Christianity and Liberalism Today

January 15, 2011

J. Gresham Machen's critique of Protestant Liberalism in the early twentieth century has relevance for the for the contemporary American church.


An Exposition on the Apostles’ Creed

January 26, 2010

R. Scott Clark discusses the series Classic Reformed Theology and particularly volume 2 of the series, An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed by Caspar Olevianus


Calvin on Law and Gospel

January 24, 2009

Calvin clearly distinguished the Gospel itself from the marvelous benefits and vast effects it produced.


Calvin and the Reform of Worship

January 24, 2009

Calvin was passionate for the glory of God in worship, which had concrete implications for the life of the institutional church.


Calvin as Bible Interpreter

January 23, 2009

What leads us to honor Calvin as a biblical commentator half a millenium after his birth is the consistently superior quality of his comments.


Covenant Theology: An Historiographical Briefing

March 18, 2004

An introduction to the trends and main contributions in the historiography of covenant theology from the middle of the nineteenth century.


Calvin, Bolsec and the Reformation

February 9, 2001

In 1551 – four hundred fifty years ago – a dramatic confrontation occurred in Geneva between John Calvin and Jerome Bolsec over the doctrine of predestination. Today that controversy is largely forgotten, but it was a significant episode that provides a remarkable window on the character and meaning of the Reformation.
