Faculty Archive

The Law of Liberty

October 27, 2022

James compares two forms of God’s law, the royal law that condemns us for just one sin and the law of liberty by which God shows us mercy. We who are under the latter law must speak and act mercifully.


A Childlike Trust – The Lord’s Prayer | Matthew 6:5-13

August 30, 2021

This message addresses the 'who' of prayer. We do not pray to an unknown or unknowable deity. We do not pray to an indifferent or aloof God. Rather, Christians pray to Our Father. The one who loves, creates, redeems, rescues, and renews us in Christ through his Holy Spirit. We are his  beloved children and he is our heavenly father.


The Anxious Bench

August 2, 2021

In this episode, Office Hours talks with Dr. W. Robert Godfrey about Charles Finney and the anxious bench. 


Meet the Faculty: Jason Barrie

July 5, 2021

In this episode, Office Hours talks with Rev. Jason Barrie about his journey into pastoral ministry and accepting the call to serve at Westminster Seminary California. 


Meet the Faculty: Nick Brennan

April 5, 2021

 In this episode, Office Hours talks to Dr. Nick Brennan about his journey as a believer, and making his way to being the most recent addition to the WSC faculty as Associate Professor of New Testament.


Give Thanks | Isaiah 12:1-6

December 3, 2020

We are reminded by the Word always to give thanks.  No matter the circumstance, the Lord's grace and presence give us sufficient reasons for thanks.  


But God Meant It for Good | Genesis 50:15-21

November 12, 2020

Among the sterling characters of the Old Testament few surpass Joseph for integrity and faith—which shine all the more given the suffering he was called to endure. From one perspective, his life could be summed up as, “how everything went wrong.” But Joseph would insist that “everything went right.” Is Joseph a special case and have a special faith?  Or does he testify to a promise that applies to the people of Christ as well?


Restoring Zion

October 29, 2020

We will be looking at God’s promise to restore the fortunes of Zion and the various ways in which he has done and will do that.  


Reformation Day | Romans 3:21-28

October 27, 2020

In his 1521 translation of the Greek New Testament into German Luther used the word allein (alone) in his translation of Romans 3:28, which says, “For we reckon that a man is justified through faith apart from the works of the law.” Luther was right. He captured Paul's intent, which was to teach salvation sola fide, by faith alone.  


A Covid-19 Update

October 5, 2020

In this episode, Office Hours talks to Westminster Seminary California President Joel Kim about the state of the seminary during the Covid-19 pandemic.



October 1, 2020

God’s compassion for those outside of Christ is so different from ours.  He focuses our attention on this in one of the most sublime short stories in literature: the little book of Jonah.  
