Dennis E. Johnson

The Line of Least Resistance

May 4, 2017

In a world infected by human sin and its toxic byproducts, accomplishing physical, intellectual, and relational goals requires hard labor. 


Scattered Like Seed

November 22, 2016

 “Dispersion,” scattering, is a bittersweet theme. On the one hand, the Creator authorized his animate creatures and humanity, their rulers, to “fill the earth”—very good. 


Church Growth Is Word Growth

November 8, 2016

The Lord gives to his church “mercy servants,” whose deeds of compassion complement the gospel witness of his “Word servants.”


Spirit-filled Servants

October 25, 2016

The seven servants were qualified to care for widows’ material needs because Christ’s church discerned that they were “full of the Spirit and wisdom.”  


Differentiating “Diakoniai”

October 11, 2016

The apostles’ response to the need of Greek-speaking widows in the Jerusalem church shows two truths that define how ministry must be done in Christ’s church.


Diversity and Division

September 20, 2016

Not only does the Lord love to lavish his grace to multitudes of people, to see them multiply to become a countless choir to sing his praise (as we saw in the first meditation on Acts 6:1-7); but he also delights in diversity—different kinds of people, speaking different languages and practicing different customs. 



September 6, 2016

The Jerusalem church’s appointment of seven servants to care for widows is a pivotal event in the spread of Christ’s gospel after the Holy Spirit’s descent at Pentecost.


The Holy Spirit and Sancification

February 22, 2016

Office Hours talks to Dr. Dennis Johnson about the Holy Spirit's role in our sanctification.


The Holy Spirit at Pentecost

January 20, 2016

Now in the new covenant the Spirit of God (who empowered Israel’s kings, prophets, and priests) distributes to all believers his diverse gifts, to enable every member of Christ’s body to serve others and foster the growth of the whole church.


Gospel Application in Preaching

January 14, 2016

“These days, it seems, one sure-fire way to instigate a vigorous discussion in Reformed circles—whether around the Sunday dinner table or in the blogosphere—is to bring up the topic of “application” in sermons.”


From Age to Age the Same

January 8, 2016

Hebrews shows us that Psalm 102:25-27 reveals the eternal permanence of God's Son, our Savior, Jesus.


Enthroned in Heaven

December 18, 2015

 Jesus, our priest-king, is seated in Heaven.


2016 Annual Conference Preview: The Holy Spirit at Pentecost

November 11, 2015

“In every age the Holy Spirit has done his life giving work bringing spiritually dead people to life.”


Your Throne, O God, Is Forever

November 3, 2015

Jesus is the king who can be trusted to rule our lives and circumstances with absolute control, for he

would never succumb to power's corrupting influence.


God’s Angels, Spirit-Servants to the Son

October 22, 2015

Our hopes and lives can only rest secure in Jesus Christ the Son, who is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8).


God’s Firstborn Heir, Worshiped by Angels

October 8, 2015

Jesus the Son is superior to angels because God the Father directed all his angels to worship the Son.



God’s Son, House Builder

September 25, 2015

God’s covenant promise to David, to build David’s “house” (dynasty) and establish David’s throne forever.


God’s Son, Heir of Everything

September 24, 2015

The prologue of Hebrews (1:1-4) concludes with the claim that the Son has inherited a name better than that of angels.


Walking With Jesus Through His Word

June 1, 2015

Office Hours talks with Dr. Dennis Johnson about his new book. 


Is The New Testament Enough?

May 22, 2015

Dr. Johnson addresses the importance of understanding the Old Testament in order to see the big picture of God's redemptive work.
