Dennis E. Johnson

The Church as Exiles

February 3, 2021

Our uncomfortable calling as exiles—to be neither isolated from nor absorbed into our environment—means following the footsteps of the Suffering Servant.

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Journeys with Jesus

July 23, 2018

Office Hours talks with  Dr. Dennis Johnson about his new book, “Journeys With Jesus,” and how we can see Jesus in all of Scripture. 

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Seeking the Treasures of God’s Wisdom

May 21, 2018

Now, cultivating wisdom in hearts and minds is a daunting enterprise. It cannot be produced merely by classroom lectures, research papers, and final exams. Rather, wisdom thrives at the intersection of divinely-revealed truth and life’s confusing experience. And we can only grow in wisdom as a community.

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I Am the True Vine

May 1, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 

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Dr. Dennis Johnson Retrospective

April 30, 2018

Office Hours talks with Dr. Dennis Johnson as he reflects on his journey to Westminster Seminary California and his 35 years there.

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Johnson’s Reflections

April 19, 2018

Dr. Johnson reflects on his past 37 years of ministry with Westminster Seminary California and shares what he is going to miss the most about his time here.

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I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life

April 17, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 

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I Am the Resurrection and the Life

April 3, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 

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I Am the Good Shepherd

March 13, 2018

Dr. Johnson continues his series on the “I Am” sayings of Jesus.

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I Am the Light of the World

February 27, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 

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I AM the Bread of Life

February 15, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need.

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Preaching God’s Stories

January 13, 2018

Scripture’s narratives present preachers with pitfalls and privilege. Pitfalls include abstracting timeless life-lessons from the drama experienced by fleshand-blood people, and putting ourselves in the spotlight, leaving Christ in the shadow. Yet narratives offer the privilege to introduce multidimensional, broken people to the real Hero of the Big Story, the multidimensional, allsufficient Lord and Savior.

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The Treasury of God’s Wisdom

December 11, 2017

Office Hours talks with Dr. Dennis Johnson about the new E-book he edited, “The Treasury of God's Wisdom.” 

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Burdened by Grace

November 21, 2017

Christians are freed by grace from the Law’s yoke and curse. But this liberty is to be enjoyed not by pleasing ourselves but by serving each other in love.  

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Transformed by Grace

October 31, 2017

Jesus Christ is a complete Savior, bringing us a comprehensive rescue from all the damage that our sin has done. 

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United by Grace

October 17, 2017

 God’s grace in Christ not only heals the rift between guilty individuals and our holy Creator. It also breaks down the walls (race, gender, culture, language, etc.) that divide us from one another.  

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Embraced by Grace

October 10, 2017

In the heart of his letter to the Galatians, Paul presents God’s glorious, gracious remedy to our alienation, guilt, and spiritual dehydration.

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Unmasked by Grace

September 19, 2017

God’s grace, through the cross of Christ, unmasks us. The cross exposes our guilty secrets and the condemnation and lethal punishment that we deserve, leaving us nowhere to hide to preserve our “image.”  

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Thirsty for Grace

September 5, 2017

As we celebrate the birth of the Protestant Reformation, 500 years ago this fall, that we will meditate on Galatians, which Luther called “my Katie von Bora,” in six Morning Devotions over the semester.  

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The Challenges of Pioneering

July 19, 2017

You are pioneers about to plunge into new territory. However long you’ve been a Christian, you have an exhilarating, challenging, terrifying adventure before you. This adventure will bring discoveries not only about God’s Word but also about yourself. It will change you from the inside out.

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