David M. VanDrunen

Proverbs 12:23

October 22, 2009

Is it the case that the wise man always says less than he knows?


Bioethics and the Christian Life

October 19, 2009

David VanDrunen discusses his book Bioethics and the Christian Life: A Guide to Making Difficult Decisions.


Paradise Lost

December 1, 2008

That we do not now see the world subject to man is profoundly tragic. What happened? How did human beings, created in such a high position, end up mired in our present woe, and why does the world around us share our misery?


1 Corinthians 5

October 2, 2008

The church as an outpost of the Kingdom of God does not act under the laws of strict justice but of mercy.


1 Kings 3:16-28

April 10, 2008

Israel's kings instruct us about the greater king who was to come.


A Christian Anthropology for Contemporary Bioethics

April 1, 2008

Regarding bioethics, perhaps no doctrine is more important than anthropology. Having a biblically-grounded anthropology certainly does not guarantee an easy answer to every bioethical question, but it does provide necessary context for evaluating bioethics conundrums.


Inaugural Address: Two Kingdoms and the Ordo Salutis

February 19, 2008

The doctrines of the Two Kingdoms and the Ordo Salutis with the doctrinal and ethical distinctions they entail are still critically important for a biblically sound account of the nature of the Christian life and its relation to the Reformed system of doctrine.


1 Kings 10:1-13

September 20, 2007

In Old Testament Israel we see a foreshadowing, a type of the heavenly eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ.


Mark 14:1-9

April 5, 2007

We are to identify with Jesus in his humility, suffering, and lowering of himself for our sake.


Justification: What the Debate is All About

February 1, 2007

An explanation of the various aspects of the Reformed doctrine of justificaiton, with special attention given to how movements such as the New Perspective on Paul and Federal Vision have posed challenges to this doctrine in the present day.


The Law of God in Our World

January 14, 2007

A theological and historical analysis of the second use of the law.


Bioethics: New Questions to New Technologies

October 1, 2006

How cultural developments pose ever-new moral challenges.


Why Baptize Infants?

January 14, 2006

A Reformed defense of the practice of infant baptism.


Experiencing the Holy Spirit

March 1, 2005

Scripture makes clear the role of the Holy Spirit: to testify about Jesus Christ and apply His salvation.
