David M. VanDrunen

Season 4: Sneak Preview

August 22, 2012

The theme of the upcoming season of Office hours is “Hebrews: Jesus is Really Better.”  Listen now to hear a preview of the Season!


Galatians 6:11-18

May 3, 2012

The Apostle Paul emphasizes that we no longer belong to this present world but we belong to the new creation and thus we are called to walk according to this wonderful and new way of life.


Desert Island Books: David VanDrunen

November 2, 2011

Dr. David VanDrunen reveals the five books he would take with him to the desert island and why.


Galatians 2:1-10

September 30, 2011

Before moving on to address correct doctrine, the Apostle Paul's own apostolic ministry is detailed as an essential part of his defense of the Gospel.


Ask the Profs 2

September 7, 2011

The faculty take calls on piety, the biblical languages, God's law, church planting, and worship.


The Nature of Justifying Faith

August 1, 2011


Sabbaticals For Pastors

June 6, 2011

By permitting a pastor time for focused study and learning, sabbaticals can benefit not only the pastor himself, but more importantly the congregation that he serves and the broader church.


Ask The Profs

April 27, 2011

The faculty of Westminster Seminary California answers various questions submitted by our listeners.


Zechariah 14:20-21

April 8, 2011

Zechariah prophesies of a coming day when there will no longer be a distinction between the holy and the common.


Machen and Ethics

January 15, 2011

For J. Gresham Machen, any conception of ethics not grounded in the Gospel was ultimately misleading and deceptive.


Living in God’s Two Kingdoms

November 4, 2010

Dr. David VanDrunen discusses his latest book entitled Living in God's Two Kingdoms: A Biblical Vision for Christianity and Culture.


Ministers of God for Our Good: God’s Gift of Civil Government

July 27, 2010

Though civil government suppresses wickedness in the world to some degree, it can never provide salvation.


2 Thessalonians 5:12-28

July 27, 2010

The Apostle Paul grounds his exhortation to the Thessalonian Christians for hard work in their union with Christ.


What Have You Done?

March 1, 2010

By God's providence, common grace, and natural law, there exist wholesome and virtuous aspects of human culture despite the total depravity of humankind.


Christ and the State

January 16, 2010

An analysis of the biblical role of the state and Christian involvement in the political sphere.


Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms

January 6, 2010

David VanDrunen discusses his book, Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms: A Study in the Development of Reformed Social Thought.


2010 Conference Preview

December 15, 2009

W. Robert Godfrey and David VanDrunen discuss the 2010 faculty conference held on January 15-16, 2010.


Meet David VanDrunen

December 7, 2009

David VanDrunen discusses his being raised in the Reformed tradition, his scholarly interests, and his experience teaching WSC.


The Law is Not of Faith

November 15, 2009

Bryan Estelle, David VanDrunen, and J. V. Fesko discuss the nature of the Mosaic Covenant and the question of republication of the covenant of works.
