Atonement Archive

Isaiah 52:12-15

November 24, 2010

An examination of the dual themes of sufferings and triumph in the Servant Songs of Isaiah and how the one preceeds the other.


Matthew 27:51, Colossians 1:13

March 25, 2008

The earth shaking at the sight of the Son of God crucified reveals the universal and cosmological implications of the atonement.


John 19:25-37

October 9, 2007

When considering Christ's crucifixion we are to strive to avoid the two extremes of being too sentimental or too doctrinal.


Luke 23:32-43

September 25, 2007

 Jesus replies to the thief's requiest in abundant mercy and superlative blessing that the earth had not yet known.


For God So Loved the World

December 1, 2004

A defense of the importance of upholding both the doctrines of common grace and definite atonement in light of the biblical evidence.
