
God’s Love and His Lost Ones

February 15, 2022

It is God's love that compels His people to repent of their sins and return to Him.


Stay Dressed for Action and Keep your Lamps Burning | Isaiah 25:6-9 and Luke 12:35-38

August 30, 2021


Peace for Our Time | Psalm 29

August 30, 2021

Psalm 29 reminds us of the incomparable power of God, and how he makes peace by defeating his enemies.


To Eat of the Tree of Life | Revelation 2:7

August 30, 2021

For a church facing cultural and doctrinal pressure it is easy to be sharp in doctrine but dull in love for the lost. Eating of the tree that gives life is the promised solution held out by the risen Christ. 


As You Wish | Hebrews 12:28

August 30, 2021

In this devotional we explore what it means to pray for our Father's kingdom to come and his will to be done. We recognize that we are asking that the kingdom which Jesus inaugurated in his first coming will be consummated in his second coming. We are praying for our Father to grow us in grace and conform us to the image of Jesus in our affections, actions, and volitions. May we love and serve him and our neighbors faithfully and fruitfully through the Spirit.


A Redeemer is Born | Exodus 2:1-10

August 30, 2021

There is a temptation in the desperate moments of our lives to let fear give way to doubt.  But Exodus 2:1-10 shows us that God can be trusted in the darkest of times.  He is working powerfully on our behalf to bring a Savior, and deliver us from our slavery to sin.  
