Signs of the Cross

John 19:38-42

May 13, 2008

The burial of Jesus has significance in and of itself as it displays the Father's approval of Jesus Christ and his work.


John 19:34-37

May 6, 2008

The flow of blood and water from Jesus' side further reveals our Lord's humanity, death, and efficacy of his propitiatory offering.


John 19:31-42

April 22, 2008

That Jesus' bones were not broken reveals the Father's regard for his Son, preventing further indignity.


Matthew 27:51, Colossians 1:13

March 25, 2008

The earth shaking at the sight of the Son of God crucified reveals the universal and cosmological implications of the atonement.


John 12:20-36

February 26, 2008

The Father was silent as His Son died, but as soon as Jesus' lips fell silent the Father spoke by profound deeds.


1 John 2:26-3:6

December 6, 2007

There is no greater matter that we know than that Jesus Christ appeared to take away sins yet in him there was no sin.
