
To Eat of the Tree of Life | Revelation 2:7

August 30, 2021

For a church facing cultural and doctrinal pressure it is easy to be sharp in doctrine but dull in love for the lost. Eating of the tree that gives life is the promised solution held out by the risen Christ. 


A Redeemer is Born | Exodus 2:1-10

August 30, 2021

There is a temptation in the desperate moments of our lives to let fear give way to doubt.  But Exodus 2:1-10 shows us that God can be trusted in the darkest of times.  He is working powerfully on our behalf to bring a Savior, and deliver us from our slavery to sin.  


An Uncomfortable Table | Psalm 23:5-6

August 30, 2021

We will consider the outcome of the meal the Lord prepares for us in the presence of our enemies.


Meals with the Lord | Leviticus 3:1-5

August 30, 2021

Within the Tabernacle, the Lord set a regular table for his covenant people to enjoy peace and joy with God and to have a foretaste of better things to come.  


The Galilean | John 21:1-14

August 30, 2021

At the close of his Gospel account, John describes the disciples having breakfast on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. After the tumultuous events of Calvary and the empty tomb, this may strike us an insignificant or anti-climatic event to record. Is it?


Eating Christ: What, Why and How | John 6:53-56

August 30, 2021

Because communing with God was the goal of our creation, the story of Scripture begins with instructions on what and what not to eat. Throughout the history of salvation, the Lord signified and sealed his salvation of his people with a meal. In John 6:53-56, however, our Lord made explicit the reality was heretofore covered in shadows: what must be eaten is neither fruit nor bread but Christ himself. 


The Meeting on the Mountain | Exodus 24:9-11

February 18, 2021

Dr. Joshua Van Ee continues the Spring 2021 Morning Devotions Series titled, “Meals with the Lord.”


A Pagan Priest in the Presence of God | Exodus 18:10-22

February 11, 2021

This devotional will focus on the fact that God welcomes all kinds of people into his presence as he converts them by his grace.  Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, offers a splendid exam as God causes this pagan priest to make a beautiful profession of faith, followed by Jethro eating with the elders of Israel in the presence of God.  Who can’t God save?


But God Meant It for Good | Genesis 50:15-21

November 12, 2020

Among the sterling characters of the Old Testament few surpass Joseph for integrity and faith—which shine all the more given the suffering he was called to endure. From one perspective, his life could be summed up as, “how everything went wrong.” But Joseph would insist that “everything went right.” Is Joseph a special case and have a special faith?  Or does he testify to a promise that applies to the people of Christ as well?


A Proper Approach to Suffering | 1 Peter 5:6-14

November 5, 2020

Peter exhorts Christians to trust in God’s sovereign plan and remain vigilant while we await our blessed hope.


Reformation Day | Romans 3:21-28

October 27, 2020

In his 1521 translation of the Greek New Testament into German Luther used the word allein (alone) in his translation of Romans 3:28, which says, “For we reckon that a man is justified through faith apart from the works of the law.” Luther was right. He captured Paul's intent, which was to teach salvation sola fide, by faith alone.  


The Priest Becomes the Sacrifice

October 15, 2020

The Old Covenant was a visible thing —  the priests, the altar, the animals and the blood.  The New Covenant is, in many ways, an invisible reality.  



October 1, 2020

God’s compassion for those outside of Christ is so different from ours.  He focuses our attention on this in one of the most sublime short stories in literature: the little book of Jonah.  


Justification, The Love of God, and Boasting

September 24, 2020

In Romans 5:1-11, the Apostle Paul preached the bad news of our sin and the good news of our free, once-for-all, justification and salvation. The heart of passage is that, in Christ, God loves sinners, justifies them, saves them, and as a consequence, sanctifies them by his love and Spirit. 


Boasting Subverted, Boasting Inverted

September 17, 2020

All human boasting is subverted by the surprising grace of God's calling and election. The Christian's boasting is inverted, redirected away from ourselves toward the cruciform glory of Christ our Mediator.



Meet Bradley J. Bitner

September 5, 2020

Get to know WSC's new Associate Professor of New Testament, Dr. Bradley J. Bitner, in this latest installment of Meet the Faculty
