Resident Faculty

Opening Convocation – Fall 2018

September 6, 2018

WSC President Joel Kim's opening convocation of the Fall 2018 semester, titled, “Seminary in a Global Age.”


Why Study the Old Testament?

July 26, 2018

On this week's episode of Westminster Answers, Dr. Joshua Van Ee answers the question, “Why Study the Old Testament?”


Journeys with Jesus

July 23, 2018

Office Hours talks with  Dr. Dennis Johnson about his new book, “Journeys With Jesus,” and how we can see Jesus in all of Scripture. 


How do we deal with apparent inconsistencies in the Bible?

June 27, 2018

How do we deal with apparent inconsistencies in the Bible? Dr. Baugh addresses this question in this installment of Westminster Answers!


Commencement Address 2018

May 26, 2018

W. Robert Godfrey, President Emeritus of Westminster Seminary California, delivers the 2018 commencement address. On May 26,  2018, WSC sent forth 26 students to serve as pastors, teachers, missionaries, and leaders for the church and for the world. 


2018 Graduate Charge

May 26, 2018

WSC President Joel Kim's charge to the 2018 Graduates.


Seeking the Treasures of God’s Wisdom

May 21, 2018

Now, cultivating wisdom in hearts and minds is a daunting enterprise. It cannot be produced merely by classroom lectures, research papers, and final exams. Rather, wisdom thrives at the intersection of divinely-revealed truth and life’s confusing experience. And we can only grow in wisdom as a community.


Does the Law of God still bind Christians today?

May 10, 2018

In this week's Westminster Answers, Dr. Estelle answers the question, “Does the Law of God still bind Christians today?”


President’s Chapel

May 10, 2018

WSC President Joel Kim's closing chapel devotion of the Spring 2018 semester. 


I Am the True Vine

May 1, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 


Dr. Dennis Johnson Retrospective

April 30, 2018

Office Hours talks with Dr. Dennis Johnson as he reflects on his journey to Westminster Seminary California and his 35 years there.


Johnson’s Reflections

April 19, 2018

Dr. Johnson reflects on his past 37 years of ministry with Westminster Seminary California and shares what he is going to miss the most about his time here.


Fasting or Feasting?

April 19, 2018

In Matthew 9:14-17, Jesus teaches that fasting, although fitting under the old covenant, is not to be an ordinary practice of new covenant believers due to their joy in the fellowship of Christ.


I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life

April 17, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 


Jesus as the Bread of Life

April 5, 2018

What Bread Are You Seeking? Jesus as the Bread of Life.


Meet Michael S. Horton

April 4, 2018

Meet Dr. Michael S. Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California.


I Am the Resurrection and the Life

April 3, 2018

Jesus’ “I Am” statements in the Gospel of John show us both our own spiritual neediness and his complete sufficiency as our Redeemer to meet our every need. 


Thankfulness, Humility, & Confidence – Part 2

March 19, 2018

Office Hours talks with Westminster Seminary California President Joel Kim about the state of the seminary, our current building project, and the future of the seminary. This is part 2 of a 2 part episode. 


Christmas in March

March 15, 2018

 In Matthew 1:18-25 Matthew narrates the angelic announcement and command to Joseph regarding the divine birth and redemptive names of Jesus.


I Am the Good Shepherd

March 13, 2018

Dr. Johnson continues his series on the “I Am” sayings of Jesus.
