Resident Faculty Archive

Saving the Reformation

March 4, 2019

In this episode, Office Hours talks to Dr. W. Robert Godfrey about his new book, “Saving the Reformation.”


Teaching Abraham Righteousness and Justice

February 28, 2019

God uses his judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah to train Abraham in righteousness and justice. Abraham sees both God’s righteous judgment and his righteous mercy.


Jacob’s Sacrifice

February 21, 2019

The account of Jacob's sacrifice in Genesis 46:1-7 reveals the extent of God's gracious transformation of Jacob as he trusts God to fulfill the promises even as he leaves the promised land of Canaan. 


To All the Nations

February 14, 2019

God’s promise of the gospel to Abraham is rooted in creation but ultimately unfolds in the glories of the gospel fulfilled by Christ.


The Relevance of Dort in Oprah’s America

January 19, 2019

The Synod of Dort is a model of the church at work, expressing the mind and hearts of the saints as they reflected deeply on the Word of God. 


Dort and the Holy Exercises of Piety

January 19, 2019

A pastoral concern for the well-being of Christ’s sheep motivated the Synod of Dort from its inception to the final formulation of its statements.  


Unconditional Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel

January 19, 2019

One of the first points the orthodox Reformed reaffirmed years before the Great Synod of Dort is that God freely offers salvation to all in the “serious” and “promiscuous” or free and well-meant offer of the gospel.  


Why Dort Happened, or Why Arminius Is Not the Hero of the Story: Part I

January 19, 2019

We will consider the historical and theological background to the synod, examining particularly the role of Arminius. 


The Spiritual Life

January 1, 2019

Office Hours talks to Dr. Charles Telfer about his new translation of Campegius Vitringa's work, “The Spiritual Life.”


The Christian and Technology – Part 6

December 4, 2018

The Internet has given us access to all sorts of things, including unfettered access to evil. Only by finding contentment in Christ will be find the strength to turn away from this easily accessible evil.


Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

November 29, 2018

The stories of the patriarchs are not always positive. In fact, much of what we find is the complete opposite. In this episode of Jacob's life, we come face to face with people, like us, who don't seek the grace they need, and don't deserve the grace they get.


The Christian and Technology – Part 5

November 20, 2018

Who sets the agenda for our lives and for the church? Personal interaction and ultimately God’s word should set the agenda, not the revenue-driven Internet.


Old School in a New Age

November 12, 2018

“It has been my pleasure to serve the church as a minister and, on loan, as a professor at Westminster Seminary California (WSC) for two decades. Many reasons come to mind when I consider why I feel so privileged to be a part of this institution. But one that stands out is its identity as an old school in a new age.”


Remembering the Canons With Bob Godfrey

November 5, 2018

Office Hours talks to Dr. W. Robert Godfrey about the Canons of Dort.  
