Resident Faculty Archive

Experiencing the Holy Spirit

March 1, 2005

Scripture makes clear the role of the Holy Spirit: to testify about Jesus Christ and apply His salvation.

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Christ at the Center of the Spirit’s Work

January 30, 2005

A re-examination of the Holy Spirit’s role in the Triune God’s work of redemption.

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Christ at the Center of the Psalter

January 30, 2005

The psalter is a clear and abundant declaration of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

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Christ at the Center of Theology

January 28, 2005

Reformed theology does not have a central dogma but at its best attempts to unfold naturally from the history of redemption as we find it in Scripture.

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For God So Loved the World

December 1, 2004

A defense of the importance of upholding both the doctrines of common grace and definite atonement in light of the biblical evidence.

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Certainty in Christ

November 1, 2004

The accomplishment of what God predicts is beyond man's power to effect.

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Pointing to Christ: Ezra 7:1-10

May 1, 2004

The book of Ezra also reminds us that he respected the forward-looking nature of God?s plan.

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Redemption Accomplished

February 2, 2004

Christians find their ultimate firm foundation is a covenant contracted among the three persons of the triune God, even before time began.

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Justification and Sanctification

January 31, 2004

A study of the inseperable yet distinct relationship between the doctrines of justification and sanctification.

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Active Obedience

January 31, 2004

The indispensability of the doctrine of Christ’s active obedience for a biblical and Reformed soteriology.

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Law, Gospel, and Covenant

January 30, 2004

An analysis and response to the threat posed by adherents of the New Perspective on Paul, Federal Vision, and others at the traditional Reformation doctrine of justification.

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Justification Under Fire

January 30, 2004

An examination of things happening today which are an attack upon the Gospel and those issues related to justification by faith alone.

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The Foolishness of the Gospel: Introductory Remarks

January 30, 2004

The Foolishness of the Gospel is a conference that seeks to answer vital questions about the nature of the Gospel and justification in our day because of the rising tide of attacks on the Reformation doctrine of justification from those in evangelical and Reformed circles.

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At Work in the Fields of the Lord

October 1, 2003

An exploration of the message and methods of the great 18th-century revivalist George Whitefield.

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Worship: Evangelical or Reformed?

April 1, 2002

There are substantive differences between evangelical and Reformed churches on worship.

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Spiritual Antithesis: Common Grace, and Practical Theology

January 1, 2002

How we handle the intersection of the spiritual antithesis, on the one hand, and the influences of God’s common grace in the unregenerate, on the other, will therefore have profound implications not only for our relationships to non-Christians, but also for our reflection on Scripture and its application in the practice of ministry. 

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Calvin, Bolsec and the Reformation

February 9, 2001

In 1551 – four hundred fifty years ago – a dramatic confrontation occurred in Geneva between John Calvin and Jerome Bolsec over the doctrine of predestination. Today that controversy is largely forgotten, but it was a significant episode that provides a remarkable window on the character and meaning of the Reformation.

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Genesis One and the Church Today

January 29, 2001

An examination of the controversial place the opening chapter of Genesis has played in ecclesiastical debates both inside and outside Reformed denominations.

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