May 1, 2004
The book of Ezra also reminds us that he respected the forward-looking nature of God?s plan.
February 2, 2004
Christians find their ultimate firm foundation is a covenant contracted among the three persons of the triune God, even before time began.
October 1, 2003
An exploration of the message and methods of the great 18th-century revivalist George Whitefield.
April 1, 2002
There are substantive differences between evangelical and Reformed churches on worship.
January 1, 2002
How we handle the intersection of the spiritual antithesis, on the one hand, and the influences of God’s common grace in the unregenerate, on the other, will therefore have profound implications not only for our relationships to non-Christians, but also for our reflection on Scripture and its application in the practice of ministry.
February 9, 2001
In 1551 – four hundred fifty years ago – a dramatic confrontation occurred in Geneva between John Calvin and Jerome Bolsec over the doctrine of predestination. Today that controversy is largely forgotten, but it was a significant episode that provides a remarkable window on the character and meaning of the Reformation.
January 29, 2001
An examination of the controversial place the opening chapter of Genesis has played in ecclesiastical debates both inside and outside Reformed denominations.
January 13, 2001
There are parallels between the new hymnody of the present day and the state of church music in the late seventeenth century.
March 13, 2000
Should we determine what we sing in church simply on the basis of what is familiar to us, that is, what we like? Or are there biblical principles that must guide what we sing?
December 1, 1999
In the face of suffering and the apparent delay of God's coming to help, Scripture directs us to look to the future and the fulfillment of God's saving work, when Jesus will make all things new.
November 1, 1999
The assurance that comes to us from the Gospel is that no matter how pervasive or powerful the forces or sin, God is victorious in winning salvation for His people.
October 1, 1999
As Christians, we need to keep the Lord's Day holy for God still calls His people to a patterned life, now patterned after the completed saving work of Jesus.
September 1, 1999
Because we have an everlasting and unchangeable covenant, we have an everlasting inheritance.
August 1, 1999
The astounding promise of Isaiah is that those who trust the Servant of the Lord and are saved by His work will share in the glory that will be His.
June 24, 1999
We must insist that Sunday is the Lord’s Day, a day that He has instituted for His people to spend with Him.
June 1, 1999
The coming of Jesus is the coming of comfort for God's people.
May 11, 1999
A defense of the Christian Sabbath.
May 3, 1999
Christians who believe in a God who is the righteous governor of the universe must also believe that God will uphold justice through judgment.
May 1, 1999
In these promiscuous times, we often reduce a calling to a job and thereby find little satisfaction.
April 1, 1999
While there is freedom with respect to the circumstances of worship, we can no longer design worship according to our own specifications.