Resident Faculty Archive

The Myth of Influence

March 31, 2006

Should Christians adopt a notion of influence from politics and business–compromise, cooperation, and intention ambiguity?

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Faithful Vigilance

March 1, 2006

The Apostle Paul's warning to the Ephesian church of their need to be vigilant is a warning that is necessary for every church in every age.

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Conquest and Settlement

February 1, 2006

The books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth reveal God’s work in history and illumine two redemptive themes: First, safety comes through faith and obedience; second, disobedience is of no small consequence.

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Meeting God On His Terms (Q&A Session)

January 15, 2006

A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the topic of the means of grace that God has appointed for his people in worship.

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Given for You: The Covenant Meal

January 15, 2006

What is the media that God has appointed for his people in worship?

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The Word Beyond the Sermon: Family Worship

January 15, 2006

There is nothing that can help your family and its’ spiritual health more than attending the means of grace every Lord’s Day.

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The Word Beyond the Sermon: Ministry of Witness

January 15, 2006

How God conveys his saving grace through the Gospel outside the church’s formal worship services.

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Participating in the Means of Grace

January 14, 2006

How sacramental occasions become times of blessing for Christians.

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What Makes Something a Means of Grace?

January 14, 2006

God himself acts through his means of grace in our worship on the Lord’s Day.

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Reformed Theology vs. Hyper-Calvinism

November 1, 2005

An examination of the important differences between Reformed theology and hyper-Calvinism.

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How Paul is Dealing with the Law

July 15, 2005

An analysis of the complex ways that the Apostle Paul speaks of “The Law” in the New Testament.

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Walking Straight Toward Gospel Truth

July 1, 2005

To probe the source of Peter's stumble, we look to Galatians 2–where the Scriptures make clear that behavior flows from the heart.

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Protestants and the Pope

July 1, 2005

The silence of Protestants to false claims about the papacy said much about the state of Protestantism today.

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