Resident Faculty

1 Kings 6:11-13, 9:1-9

November 1, 2007

King Solomon was a 2nd Adam figure given the task to build God's house and the possibility of merited prosperity and blessing.


1 Kings 19:1-18

October 16, 2007

Persevering through frequent times of little visible growth and success is necessary in Gospel ministry.


1 Kings 17:17-24

October 11, 2007

In raising the widow's child, Elijah displayed the Lord's power and foreshadowed the Greater Prophet Jesus.


John 19:25-37

October 9, 2007

When considering Christ's crucifixion we are to strive to avoid the two extremes of being too sentimental or too doctrinal.


2 Kings 6:8-23

October 4, 2007

God as Divine Warrior was hoped for during the period of exile, however he came with mercy on our behalf.


Are You in God’s Story?

October 1, 2007

As Christians we are a part of a grand narrative that revolves around God's purposes in creation, redemption, and the age to come.


Suffering and a Theology of Glory

October 1, 2007

There is no place for suffering in the quintessentially American religion of Joel Osteen's theology of glory.


What Ever Happened to Sin?

October 1, 2007

Joel Osteen's “good news” turns out to be the worst possible news-God's blessing on my life depends on my own good works.


Joel Osteen and the Glory Story

October 1, 2007

Those who preach a gospel of “a personal relationship with God” fail to realize that everyone has a relationship with God already: either as a condemned criminal or as a justified co-heir with Christ.


Doesn’t God Want Us to be Happy?

October 1, 2007

God is not abstractly interested in ensuring that we are either successful or unsuccessful; he has far larger plans for us.


2 Kings 5:1-16

September 27, 2007

Through Naaman receiving healing from his leprosy we learn that God is sovereign in taking his people from bondage to blessing.


Luke 23:32-43

September 25, 2007

 Jesus replies to the thief's requiest in abundant mercy and superlative blessing that the earth had not yet known.


1 Kings 10:1-13

September 20, 2007

In Old Testament Israel we see a foreshadowing, a type of the heavenly eternal kingdom of Jesus Christ.


Luke 13:6-9; 23:26-34

September 18, 2007

Even on the cross Jesus is in communion with his Father, revealing the profound and majestic inter-Trinitarian fellowship.


Psalm 87

September 13, 2007

Zion is contrasted with the cities of this world because it is founded by God as the fortress and dwelling place of His people.


2 Kings 5

September 13, 2007

God in his mysterious providence uses the most unlikely means to accomplish his sovereign purpose.


Psalm 78; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

September 6, 2007

The Apostle Paul utilizes Psalm 78 to encourage the church to be confident in their election in Christ and warn them of the temptation of taking the love of God for granted as Israel had done.


Isaiah 43:22-44:8

September 6, 2007

The God who saves, keeps, and protects his people even now.


New Student Orientation Devotional

September 5, 2007

The importance of the Word of God is always to challenge our way of thinking so that our minds might be transformed.
