Resident Faculty

The Church and Israel

December 31, 2008

The promises made to Abraham are fulfilled in Christ and passed along to all those who belong to Christ by faith.

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2 Thessalonians 2:9-3:5

December 4, 2008

An apostolic church is one that holds fast to the teaching of the apostles.

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Genesis 3:6

December 2, 2008

Evil cannot be addressed unless sin is delt with.

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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

December 1, 2008

Though this is hymn is typically employed to celebrate a man-made “holy day,” it is a wonderful reminder of the unfolding drama of God's revelation that culminated in the advent of Christ. 

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Paradise Lost

December 1, 2008

That we do not now see the world subject to man is profoundly tragic. What happened? How did human beings, created in such a high position, end up mired in our present woe, and why does the world around us share our misery?

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Genesis 2:8-3:6

November 18, 2008

Though our first parents embraced the distorted words of the serpent, God's Word comes with promises and freedom for his creatures.

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Baptism as New Creation

November 4, 2008

A biblical theological analysis of the motif of baptism as new creation.

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Kingdom and Kingdoms

November 1, 2008

A quick survey of the history of Reformed thought on the one, two and many kingdoms of Christ and their implications.

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The Holiness of the Church

November 1, 2008

We must focus our attention on the church's local and visible manifestations in the light of its catholic and invisible reality.

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1 Corinthians 12:30-14:1

October 30, 2008

While “spirituality” is a loaded buzzword, for the Apostle Paul, to be spiritual meant to be full of the Holy Spirit and to walk in love.

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Psalm 119:89-112

October 28, 2008

The relationship of the Word of God and the way of the godly is explored.

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1 Corinthians 10:1-5

October 23, 2008

Christians are to live in the reality of being fundamentally united to Christ and with each other.

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Genesis 2:18

October 21, 2008

In the conversation about God's Word, Satan enlarged the prohibition, reduced the penalty, and distorted the divine intention.

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1 Corinthians 15:45

October 9, 2008

The resurrection involves progression and change, but also continuity because it is the work of God the Creator.

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Genesis 2:8-17

October 7, 2008

The knowledge of good and evil with its positive and negative consequences is at the heart of human history.

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1 Corinthians 5

October 2, 2008

The church as an outpost of the Kingdom of God does not act under the laws of strict justice but of mercy.

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The Law and Laws

October 1, 2008

An mportant interpretive principle should guide our understanding & application of God's law: the principle of periodicity.

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Whosoever Shall Be Saved

September 27, 2008

Contrary to the emergent/emerging church movements there are objective divinely revealed boundary markers that are inherent and essential to Christianity.

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1 Corinthians 4:1-5

September 25, 2008

Paul reminds us that the ministry is not about us but it is about the Lord our Master.

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Genesis 3:1

September 23, 2008

Though he knew it would be ruined and marred, God brought everything into being to display His grace and mercy.

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