Resident Faculty

Exodus 15:1-21

September 13, 2012

A brief examination of Moses' “Song of the Sea,” which re-tells the central redemptive event in Israel's history.


Isaiah 54:5-10

September 11, 2012

Isaiah 54 speaks of a key transition in terms of God's dealings with his people resulting in their transformation.


Exodus 1

September 11, 2012

It is essential to read Exodus as the second installment or chapter of the grand history of redemption.


John 10:1-21

September 11, 2012

A detailed look at what it means for Jesus to proclaim himself to be the Good Shepherd and the profound implications this has for the life of the believer.


What is Imputation?

September 1, 2012

Bryan Estelle talks about the doctrine of imputation.


What is Homiletics?

September 1, 2012

Julius Kim explains the art and science of preaching. 


Pastoral Counseling

September 1, 2012

Dennis Johnson talks about pastoral counseling.


Season 4: Sneak Preview

August 22, 2012

The theme of the upcoming season of Office hours is “Hebrews: Jesus is Really Better.”  Listen now to hear a preview of the Season!


A New Old School

August 1, 2012

Office Hours talks with President W. Robert Godfrey and D. G. Hart about their new book, Westminster Seminary California: A New Old School.


A New Old School Lecture

May 17, 2012

A New Old School attempts to Place the witness of Westminster Seminary California in the context of American Christianity.


1 Corinthians 4:1-5

May 17, 2012

What is a successful Christian leader and who determines someone to be successful?


Desert Island Books: Rev. John Bales

May 16, 2012

Rev. John Bales reveals the five books he would take with him to the desert island and why.


A History of Covenant Theology

May 7, 2012

An analysis of the main outlines of covenant theology.


Galatians 6:11-18

May 3, 2012

The Apostle Paul emphasizes that we no longer belong to this present world but we belong to the new creation and thus we are called to walk according to this wonderful and new way of life.


Desert Island Books: W. Robert Godfrey

May 2, 2012

President W. Robert Godfrey reveals the five books he would take with him to the desert island and why.


Acts 1:15-26

May 1, 2012

The beginning of Acts reveals the care the Lord Jesus took in preparing the foundation of his church.


Galatians 6:7-10

April 19, 2012

Paul exhorts the Galatians to walk by the Spirit and further explains what this will look like amidst the body of Christ.


Desert Island Books: Charles Telfer

April 18, 2012

Professor Charles Telfer reveals the five books he would take with him to the desert island and why.


Desert Island Books: Julius Kim

April 4, 2012

Dr. Julius Kim reveals the five books he would take with him to the desert island and why.
