November 30, 2017
The Psalmist reminds us that God is inescapable because he is everywhere and knows all things.
November 21, 2017
Christians are freed by grace from the Law’s yoke and curse. But this liberty is to be enjoyed not by pleasing ourselves but by serving each other in love.
November 13, 2017
Office Hours talks with Dr. J.V. Fesko, Academic Dean, Professor of Systematic Theology and Historical Theology at WSC, about his new book, The Spirit of the Age: The 19th Century Debate Over the Holy Spirit and the Westminster Confession.
November 9, 2017
The good news is that death is the last enemy and has already been defeated by Jesus in his death and resurrection.
November 2, 2017
Jesus in his healing of the leper exposes Jewish distortions of the law as he also fulfills the law. But more importantly, he reveals who he is and his mission to save as does what the law was powerless to do.
October 31, 2017
Jesus Christ is a complete Savior, bringing us a comprehensive rescue from all the damage that our sin has done.
October 30, 2017
Office Hours talks with Professor Joel Kim, President of Westminster Seminary California, about the 2018 Faculty Conference, “The Bible: His Stories. Your Life.”
October 19, 2017
In contrast to the disobedience of Israel, Jesus is the one who prevailed in his probation keeping righteousness; he is called, he is proved, he is obedient.
October 17, 2017
God’s grace in Christ not only heals the rift between guilty individuals and our holy Creator. It also breaks down the walls (race, gender, culture, language, etc.) that divide us from one another.
October 16, 2017
As we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this month, Dr. Clark begins a brief series looking at what happened to the Reformation in the modern period.
October 13, 2017
UPDATE sat down with Rev. Kim in order to learn more about his life, career, and vision for WSC.
October 12, 2017
Mark 10:13-52 presents four ways by which one might seek to enter the kingdom. Jesus instructs us to enter the kingdom as a child and as a blind man, but not as the rich or powerful.
October 11, 2017
“When we have timidity about going before the throne of God we can say and know that, no, Christ has secured my salvation and I lay hold of that by faith alone. By trusting exclusively in His work alone for my salvation.”
Dr. Fesko continues our series on the 5 solas by explaining sola fide. Watch here or on our mobile app!
October 10, 2017
In the heart of his letter to the Galatians, Paul presents God’s glorious, gracious remedy to our alienation, guilt, and spiritual dehydration.
October 4, 2017
Dr. Godfrey introduces our new mini series on the 5 Solas of the Reformation. Watch as he explains to us the necessity and importance of sola gratia.
October 2, 2017
September 28, 2017
Reasons to put our faith in Jesus as Rescuer and descriptions of unbelief.
September 21, 2017
Many Christians quite misunderstand our Lord’s teaching in Matthew 24 because they miss the parallel that our Lord drew between his future bodily return and the days of Noah. Indeed, missing the connection between Noah and Jesus has been the cornerstone of the entire “Left Behind” phenomenon and has been since the beginning of the modern “secret rapture” craze since 1972.
September 19, 2017
God’s grace, through the cross of Christ, unmasks us. The cross exposes our guilty secrets and the condemnation and lethal punishment that we deserve, leaving us nowhere to hide to preserve our “image.”
September 18, 2017
Office Hours talks to Dr. W. Robert Godfrey about the differences and commonalities between the Lutheran and Reformed traditions.