Reformation Archive

Calvin: Why He Still Matters

April 1, 2009

Calvin not only mattered in the religious and ecclesiastical spheres, but had an impact on many modern phenomena.

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Calvin’s Legacy (Q&A)

January 24, 2009

A panel of WSC faculty answer questions related to the legacy of John Calvin in the church and in the world.

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Calvin: The Friendly Reformer

January 24, 2009

Calvin’s ideal of friendship informed the way he went about his business as a reformer.

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Calvin and Preaching

January 24, 2009

The preached Word was central to the spiritual flourishing of the church of the reformation as well as the church as it exists today.

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Calvin on Law and Gospel

January 24, 2009

Calvin clearly distinguished the Gospel itself from the marvelous benefits and vast effects it produced.

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Calvin and the Reform of Worship

January 24, 2009

Calvin was passionate for the glory of God in worship, which had concrete implications for the life of the institutional church.

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Calvin as Bible Interpreter

January 23, 2009

What leads us to honor Calvin as a biblical commentator half a millenium after his birth is the consistently superior quality of his comments.

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Calvin and the Worship of God

April 1, 2007

It is ironic that many Reformed people today are either not acquainted with or do not follow Calvin's view of worship.

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Calvin, Bolsec and the Reformation

February 9, 2001

In 1551 – four hundred fifty years ago – a dramatic confrontation occurred in Geneva between John Calvin and Jerome Bolsec over the doctrine of predestination. Today that controversy is largely forgotten, but it was a significant episode that provides a remarkable window on the character and meaning of the Reformation.

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A Bulwark Never Failing

April 1, 1999

In Jesus, Jew and Gentile find the ultimate expression of the strength of God to save and protect His people.

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Peter Martyr Vermigli: International Reformer

March 1, 1999

A brief study of the life and work of the Italian reformer Peter Martyr Vermigli.

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A Discussion of the Necessity of Reforming the Church by John Calvin

March 1, 1995

An examination of John Calvin's statement of the doctrines of and necessity for the Reformation.

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Reformation in Scotland (On the Freedom of the Church under the Word)

October 6, 1993

The determination and courage of the Scots in seeking to follow the Bible should be an encouragement to all of us who believe that the church must live according to the Bible alone.

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Philip Melanchton

October 17, 1990

A brief study of the life and work of the German reformer Philip Melanchton.

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Calvin to the Persecuted Faithful

March 1, 1990

The power of Calvin's spiritual counsel was in the fine balance that he maintained between his insistence on militant faithfulness in the real battles of the Christian life and his constant reminders of the assurance of victory that the Christian has in Christ. 

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Reforming the Church’s Singing

February 4, 1990

As we seek to reform the music of the church, we must try to do that – as Calvin did – in a biblical way.

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