Prologue to the Word

Gracious Word

November 26, 2019

 In these verses we ascend the summit of John’s prologue. In it we hear echoes of God’s appearing on the mountain to Moses, who condescends once again, only now embodied in the Word. He comes in the fullness of his steadfast love and faithfulness for those who look to him out of the emptiness they feel within. And those that do will not be disappointed. 


Regenerating Word

November 5, 2019

Everyone wants to belong—to become part of a circle of friends or a group where they will be accepted, valued and loved. But often the price of admittance is costly and one’s ongoing status is fragile. So what does the Word offer to those who feel like they do not belong or think they will not become anyone of value? 


Rejected Word

October 22, 2019

It is one thing to hear that the Word is eternality itself and is the fountain of life and is the light of the World. It is another thing altogether to acknowledge it—which is what most people are unwilling to do. 


Word of Light

October 8, 2019

The prologue of John states that the Word “was life, and the life was the light of men.” He gives what he is. For those who live in a world of darkness what truth could offer more hope than this? He who is “the light of life” intrudes himself upon the deepest shadows to bring a redemption no one else can.


Creator Word

September 24, 2019

The Lord called into existence the things that do not exist, demonstrating his sovereign power through a simple, creative word. Christ’s ministry is nothing less than this. The outpouring of his divine authority is evident in what he accomplished and has promised for his new creation.  


Eternal Word

September 10, 2019

John's gospel begins—not with Jesus' genealogy or public ministry—but with a prologue. 
