September 10, 2024
March 22, 2023
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson delivered the annual Robert G. and Nellie B. den Dulk Lectures on Pastoral Ministry on Friday and Saturday, March 17-18, 2023, speaking on “A Christ-like Ministry.”
March 22, 2022
Cultural values and the pride of our hearts influence our attitudes toward ministry and our actions in ministry. God’s Word provides the corrective paradigm that shapes how we should see ourselves and how we should pastor, lead and live with God’s people.
April 17, 2021
The Rev. Dr. Kim Riddlebarger delivers the first of three lectures entitled, “The Pastor as Apologist, Theologian, and Bible Scholar: How What You Learn in Seminary Can Inform Your Preaching” at the 2021 WSC Den Dulk Lectures.
March 8, 2018
Rev. Dr. Jon Payne delivers a lecture entitled, “The 21st Century Pastor and Prayer,” at the 2018 WSC Den Dulk Lectures.
March 7, 2018
Rev. Dr. Jon Payne delivers a lecture entitled, “The 21st Century Pastor and Proclamation,” at the 2018 WSC Den Dulk Lectures.
March 6, 2018
Rev. Dr. Jon Payne delivers a lecture entitled,”The 21st Century Pastor and Piety,” at the 2018 WSC Den Dulk Lectures.
March 1, 2017
Dr. Zack Eswine, Director of Homiletics and Adjunct Professor of Applied Theology at Covenant Theological Seminary, answers the question, “What Makes a Great Pastor?” in the latest edition of Westminster Welcomes.
July 28, 2014
Office Hours talks with Rev. Chris Sandoval, a multi-cultural church planter and Alumni Relations Associate at Westminster Seminary California, about better understanding the Hispanic community and how that affects witnessing to them in the Reformed tradition.
July 7, 2014
Office Hours talks with Rev. Eric Hausler, graduate of Westminster Seminary California and Pastor of Naples Orthodox Presbyterian Church, about Ministry and Mission
April 30, 2014
Equip the Saints…with Gospel Urgency and Resurrection Hope
Equip the Saints…with Forgiveness and Grace
Equip the Saints…with Thanksgiving and Joy
March 19, 2014
Part 2 of Dr. Manetsch's The Reformation of the Pastoral Office lecture series. This lecture focuses on the ministry of the Pastoral Care.
Part 1 of Dr. Manetsch's The Reformation of the Pastoral Office lecture series. This lecture focuses on the ministry of the Word.
September 27, 2013
We are called to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ and to look to him for the strength to finish strong the race set out before us.
September 23, 2013
Office Hours talks with James H. Gilmore about cultural exegesis.
August 5, 2013
Office Hours talks with Rev. David Strain about suffering for the sake of the gospel in a mainline national church, his own call to the pastorate, and his recent lectures to our students.
July 8, 2013
Office Hours talks with Rev. Dr. Gregory Edward Reynolds about media ecology and ministry.
September 11, 2012
An exhortation to seminarians not to lose heart in their training and why this is important for the ministry and understanding the Gospel.