New Testament

Mark 4:35-41

October 30, 2007

Jesus himself leads us into the storms of life.


John 19:25-37

October 9, 2007

When considering Christ's crucifixion we are to strive to avoid the two extremes of being too sentimental or too doctrinal.


Mark 8:11-21

October 2, 2007

Seminary is preparation for the unique calling of helping people know God, His Kingdom and their role in His Kingdom and Church.


Luke 23:32-43

September 25, 2007

 Jesus replies to the thief's requiest in abundant mercy and superlative blessing that the earth had not yet known.


Luke 13:6-9; 23:26-34

September 18, 2007

Even on the cross Jesus is in communion with his Father, revealing the profound and majestic inter-Trinitarian fellowship.


Psalm 78; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

September 6, 2007

The Apostle Paul utilizes Psalm 78 to encourage the church to be confident in their election in Christ and warn them of the temptation of taking the love of God for granted as Israel had done.


Commencement 2007

June 2, 2007

The Apostle Paul reminds the Corinthians and us that changing the gospel jeopardizes its saving effect.


The All-Sufficiency of Christ

June 1, 2007

Paul's profound declaration of just how radically extensive and exclusive is Christ's mediation, as a free gift.


Mark 5:1-20

April 26, 2007

An analysis of Mark’s account of Jesus and the Gadarene demoniac.


Mark 7:24-30

April 19, 2007

An analysis of Mark's account of Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman.


Mark 14:1-9

April 5, 2007

We are to identify with Jesus in his humility, suffering, and lowering of himself for our sake.


Mark 10:46-52

March 29, 2007

In Mark 5 we see the extraordinary power of faith that comes through ordinary people like a blind beggar.


Mark 5:21-43

March 22, 2007

A study of Mark's account of Jesus' healing the unclean woman.


Martyn Lloyd-Jones the Preacher

March 14, 2007

A lecture on the life and preaching ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.


Mark 8:31-9:1

February 15, 2007

Jesus comes as a king unlike any other king proclaiming a kingdom unlike any other kingdom.
