Morning Devotions

Love is Humble

March 3, 2020

C.S. Lewis wrote that the first step to “acquire humility” is “to realize that one is proud. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed.” Lewis is probably correct that pride shadows us more than we know. Thankfully the Word of God helps us to see how we can re-orient our lives, speech and motives more humbly. Moreover, the eternal Word become flesh helps us to see what humbling oneself looks like; especially when it is motivated by love.


The Lord and His Messiah

February 27, 2020

Psalm 2 is an obvious Messianic Psalm and is referenced several times in the New Testament. We will look briefly at the Psalm and then in three interesting places where the New Testament shows its fulfillment.


Public Worship IS Christian Discipleship

February 25, 2020


Love is Earnest

February 18, 2020

When Paul says “Love does not envy” he is addressing the earnestness of our desire. A strong or intense desire is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, Scripture tells us to “earnestly desire” higher spiritual gifts among other things (1Cor 12.31). But if we desire or love something in the wrong way and to the wrong degree, then we have entered into the realm of envy. The darkness of envy will not rest until it has snuffed out its rival, even if that rival is the “light of the world.” 


I Love the Lord, Because He has Heard My Voice

February 13, 2020

The Lord cares for us in the midst of the suffering we face in this life as Christians. So let us revel in his love and gratefully love him in return.


What Is Love?

February 11, 2020

This series of chapel talks (based on 1Corinthians 13) is intended to answer the question, “What Is Love?” Few questions could be more important or more practical. Our “greatest” duty is to love God with all of our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. So, if we miss this, we have missed the most obvious thing of all. This first lesson looks at the two sides of love—in what it is determined to endure and what it is willing to give.

Love is Passive and Active (1Cor 13.4)


Behold, My Servant

December 5, 2019

How can God justify the ungodly like you and me?  Because of the Servant who remained faithful as He suffered and substituted for us.


Praying to Know

December 3, 2019

It can be difficult to know how to pray for ourselves and others, but the Apostle Paul reminds us of three things we can pray that we all will increasingly know.


Gracious Word

November 26, 2019

 In these verses we ascend the summit of John’s prologue. In it we hear echoes of God’s appearing on the mountain to Moses, who condescends once again, only now embodied in the Word. He comes in the fullness of his steadfast love and faithfulness for those who look to him out of the emptiness they feel within. And those that do will not be disappointed. 


The God Who Carries

November 21, 2019

The Lord bears up his frail saints in the righteousness of Christ to bring to His glorious Zion.


Isaiah 52:1-12

November 19, 2019

Morning devotion from Isaiah 52:1-12


2 Corinthians 1:1-11

November 12, 2019

Morning devotion from 2 Corinthians 1:1-11


Will the Real Servant Please Stand Up?

November 7, 2019

Knowing the “Servant” of Isaiah 49 not only provides comfort during the difficulties of our “exile” experiences, but also compassion and courage to help those who need the Servant's redemption and reconciliation.


Regenerating Word

November 5, 2019

Everyone wants to belong—to become part of a circle of friends or a group where they will be accepted, valued and loved. But often the price of admittance is costly and one’s ongoing status is fragile. So what does the Word offer to those who feel like they do not belong or think they will not become anyone of value? 


The Lord’s Love to the Loveless

October 31, 2019

God will provide redemption and peace to his people through the Servant of the Lord


Let the Little Dogs Come

October 29, 2019

Morning devotion from Matthew 15:1-28


Paul’s Paradigm for Building up the Church in 1 Corinthians 3:5 – 4:5

October 24, 2019

A lecture from WSC's new Associate Professor of New Testament, Dr. Bradley J. Bitner


Rejected Word

October 22, 2019

It is one thing to hear that the Word is eternality itself and is the fountain of life and is the light of the World. It is another thing altogether to acknowledge it—which is what most people are unwilling to do. 


Luke 14

October 17, 2019

Morning devotion from Luke 14


Isaiah 45

October 15, 2019

The Lord’s oath-bound deliverance of Israel and the world is surely coming.
