September 24, 2020
In Romans 5:1-11, the Apostle Paul preached the bad news of our sin and the good news of our free, once-for-all, justification and salvation. The heart of passage is that, in Christ, God loves sinners, justifies them, saves them, and as a consequence, sanctifies them by his love and Spirit.
September 23, 2020
This devotional explores Jesus' parable about two people who pray. One is proud and confident of his alleged avoidance of sin and good works; the other recognizes his sin and cries out to the Lord for mercy. Mercy is what he received.
September 17, 2020
All human boasting is subverted by the surprising grace of God's calling and election. The Christian's boasting is inverted, redirected away from ourselves toward the cruciform glory of Christ our Mediator.
September 15, 2020
This devotional examines Jesus' request to avoid the cross, if possible; coupled with his wholehearted resolve to endure the cross for his people. This is not merely an example of radical obedience, but the foundation for the forgiveness, righteousness, and reconciliation of the Christian.
September 10, 2020
God has robbed the graves of his people
September 8, 2020
This devotional unpacks Jesus' praying for Peter that his faith would not fail and the implications for us that our faithful High Priest lives to intercede for us.
September 3, 2020
“To those who struggle with faith and life, Paul assures that nothing – absolutely nothing – that can keep us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.”
May 14, 2020
Westminster Seminary California President Joel Kim delivers the spring 2020 President's Chapel
May 7, 2020
Westminster Seminary California Professor A. Craig Troxel gives a morning devotion from 1 Corinthians 13.
April 30, 2020
April 23, 2020
Westminster Seminary California President Joel Kim gives a morning devotion from Psalm 137.
April 16, 2020
April 2, 2020
March 26, 2020
Westminster Seminary California President Joel Kim gives a morning devotion from Psalm 3.
March 12, 2020
The psalmist sets forth the way of comprehensive, whole-hearted devotion to God’s law. And in light of his own sin and the evil of the world, he expresses a great uneasiness, mixed with an expectant faith in God for help.
March 10, 2020
Graduating senior, Ryan Thomas gives a morning devotion from Hosea 5
March 5, 2020
Psalm 68 records the march of God across the desert from Sinai to Zion. Probably composed for the installation of the ark of the covenant in the Jerusalem temple, this Psalm lies at the heart of Israel’s story—and ours as well.
March 3, 2020
C.S. Lewis wrote that the first step to “acquire humility” is “to realize that one is proud. If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed.” Lewis is probably correct that pride shadows us more than we know. Thankfully the Word of God helps us to see how we can re-orient our lives, speech and motives more humbly. Moreover, the eternal Word become flesh helps us to see what humbling oneself looks like; especially when it is motivated by love.
February 27, 2020
Psalm 2 is an obvious Messianic Psalm and is referenced several times in the New Testament. We will look briefly at the Psalm and then in three interesting places where the New Testament shows its fulfillment.
February 25, 2020