Morning Devotions

Isaiah 53:7-9

October 20, 2010

Isaiah 53:7-9 is a prophetic summary of the life of Christ from life to death.


Hebrews 3:7-4:11

October 15, 2010

An exhortation to not harden one's heart in light of various dangers that arise in the life of the Christian.


Honoring W. Robert Godfrey

October 6, 2010

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey is presented with a festschrift dedicated to him on the occasion of his 65th birthday.


Hebrews 9:1-10

October 1, 2010

The “glory days” of the Christian are found in Christ and his work.


Disappointment and Failures in the Ministry

September 29, 2010

How to cope with the disappointments and failures in pastoral ministry in light of Acts 18.


Isaiah 53:1-3

September 22, 2010

An Old Testament predictive poem about the future sufferings of Christ.


Isaiah 50:4-9

September 17, 2010

The Old Testament prophetic office examined in light of teaching elders.


Isaiah 53:4-6

September 8, 2010

An Old Testament prophecy about the suffering that Christ would undergo on behalf of his elect.


Isaiah 52:13-53:12

September 7, 2010

Isaiah 53 is the hinge of the book of Isaiah and the most quoted section of scripture in the New Testament.


2 Thessalonians 5:12-28

July 27, 2010

The Apostle Paul grounds his exhortation to the Thessalonian Christians for hard work in their union with Christ.


2 Thessalonians 4:13-18

July 27, 2010

We must look beyond ourselves to Him who is faithful, knowing with confidence that his Word will spread in spite of us.


Jesus Frees His People

July 27, 2010

The Kingdom of God arrived in the person of Jesus freeing his people from the bondage of the powers of darkness.


2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

July 27, 2010

In the midst of difficult circumstances, remember who you are in Christ and remain steadfast in Him.


Job 19:25-27

July 27, 2010

Job presents an anticipation of the New Heavens and New Earth contrary to many exegetical proposals.


Psalm 119:73-80

July 27, 2010

A biblical confession of faith in the face of affliction.


Psalm 95

May 13, 2010

Prominent themes of biblical revelation are joined to help us better understand our covenantal relationship with God.


Psalm 8

May 6, 2010

God's name and character are written in creation while his essential being is ontologically transcendent.
